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DoWhatUWant video is coming out TOMORROW!

Smooth Criminal

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Scroll down, it's still there (1h ago)

Oh there it is, thanks. Taking it with a grain of salt and not getting my hopes up though :noparty:

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Gaga is Life

15ish hours?

Oh wow that close? :eek: Hopefully there might be some truth to this tweet - intended or not :spin:

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I'll believe it when I see it.

And when I say that, I mean when I'm watching it on Youtube.com with my own two eyes. 



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They are really reliable with info, I have been following them for a few weeks now and they have been right a lot of the time. They were also at the Berlin Listening Party.

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It would make sense to release tomorrow after The Voice performance. If it's not tomorrow I don't think we'll get it this week.

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