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DJWS on Cake Like Lady Gaga's release: (GAGA RESPONDS, SHADES TROY)


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I gave a little more thought, and i believe this is more a "promo" situation than a shade

artHAUS Records. :legend: I would literally be slayed to the f u cking ground.

That name is PERFECT!

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the person she blocked earlier already is starting to quote that. 


Cool, this has nothing to do with her Twitter crusade though.  


I'm just saying that the label or Troy or whoever probably said she couldn't release it because the lyrics go against everything she has been promoting the last 3 years. Objectively it makes sense - just because it's a fan favourite for monsters doesn't mean it's a good choice as a real release because it makes her image even more confusing than it already is.

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My point exactly!

dude she blocks peope who doesn't support online kindness, she wouldn't be that hypocrite and be shady/mean towards someone via twitter :smh:

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Jewels n Drugs

Is this Troy carter shade?

maybe, because everyone thought Troy carter is the reason cllg hasnt been released yet

oh look when you werent looking my motorcycle turned into a piano
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