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artRAVE: July 11 Chicago, IL


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Im getting on a train to chicago in about a day!


This feels unreal :giveup:


So excited!

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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does anyone know how the parking situation will work at the uc? are we allowed to park there in the morning?

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To anyone standing behind me and my Neptune crown, I apologize for its epicness


What exactly is a Neptune crown?

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So thoughts on the MJH cut

Wait. Wait. Wait. Hold up. Shut the front door. MJH is cut?!??!?!!! THATS MY FAVE SONG!!!!!!' NOOOOO!! Some one grab momma her knife. People gettin cut.

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GUYS, what time should people that have regular general admission tickets get in line?


If you line up the morning of, say around 9am, you'll get a pretty good spot. I'll probably be there late Thursday night. 

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