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artRAVE: July 11 Chicago, IL


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Allison M

I won't even be in Chicago until 9pm on the 10th.

I think noon is really early given how the floor is set up, but i don't know how Chicago fans are...

At St. Paul I didn't line up until the morning of the show and got a really good spot.

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Yeah I'm not about to line up the day before when there is DEEP DISH PIZZA TO BE HAD!!! *praise*

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My boyfriend and I plan on wearing wings. They're not that big, but I'm worried that people will get mad at us :hehe:

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Allison M

My boyfriend and I plan on wearing wings. They're not that big, but I'm worried that people will get mad at us :hehe:

I'm making another GUY bear outfit and that isn't small. But I'm ditching it after GUY. lol Thankfully is the second song.

I'm really nervous about those groups that cause problems :(

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Hey Guys, Long story short, I went to the Milwaukee Concert and can no longer go to the Chicago one.


I have ONE LMZ ticket for sale at FACE value, let me know (PM) if you are interested. I talked to Ticketmaster and I can TRANSFER the ticket to your ticketmaster account, so my info would never appear on the ticket, but the buyers.


245 for Early Entry and Goodie bag, which has been revealed as a hard cover tour book, Bubble gun, lanyard and a tote bag.


If more than one person wants them, ill answer PM's in order of received.

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Allison M

I would want it but I'd have to try to sell my GA ticket that I got for $186.

I don't think I could afford that anyway because now I have to pay for a hotel room which is $100 that i was not anticipating...

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I'm making another GUY bear outfit and that isn't small. But I'm ditching it after GUY. lol Thankfully is the second song.

I'm really nervous about those groups that cause problems :(


If I see you there I'll say hi :hug:

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I cant wait for this. It feels like such an adventure.  Its gonna be my first concert ever, my first time ever being away from my parents (taking a train to Chicago to and fro by myself) and just amazing I wish I had G.A to complete the experience,but at least i have mid 100 level seats (perfect for the height of the stage :legend:) I don't have to queue all day really, so depending on how tired I am from the train ride, i may or may not come early.


I guess its good im not in G.A. though :I'm 5'0 id get trampled :laughga:

Edited by ASipOfVENUS
私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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If any of you Chicago monsters decide to stalk Gaga, please ask her which hotel she's staying at in San Antonio, which is her next artRave after Chicago

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anybody want a GA ticket? Will sell it for $125 or best offer. That's lower than what they are on stub hub. I purchased mine off stub hub for $170. PM Me

Edited by JOROMonster
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If any of you Chicago monsters decide to stalk Gaga, please ask her which hotel she's staying at in San Antonio, which is her next artRave after Chicago

She wouldn't just give out her private hotel information. :)

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Allison M

anybody want a GA ticket? Will sell it for $125 or best offer. That's lower than what they are on stub hub. I purchased mine off stub hub for $170. PM Me

You're not going anymore? Why not? :/

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