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Lady Gaga tells KatyCats to change their twitter name


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She is literally never helped by anything she says on Twitter. She thinks she's changing someone's opinions with this ****. She's not.



I feel like there's more pressing matters to tweet about. If anything this just adds fuel to the fire. 


You are the ones who she's not making any changes for. You're stuck in one frame of mind, open it up a little and realize we really DO have the ability to promote online positivity & kindness. And those trolls she blocked already begged her for forgiveness and claimed they would stop being cruel, so yea, she DID make a difference. Changing the mindsets of millions of prepubescent queens doesn't happen overnight, she's in it for the long game  ;)

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Some of you really don't think she can do anything right, do you? :smh: we should all know exactly what she meant with those tweets, but of course it's met with cynical responses.

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That's kind of rude tbh. They are assholes but this is like someone random told me to change my username cause all the colors are beautiful and we shouldn't have a favorite one :messga:

She ain't no random person tho. :gum:  She's Lady Gaga. If she tells you something you better obey. :grr:  :derpga:

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His tweet about her asking Taylor for advice on how to sell albums was probably the last straw. I was actually surprised to see him tweet it since he knows that she watches his page.




AHHHHHHHH now it makes sense. I think it was meant as a joke, but I understand why gaga is not taking it lightly. People on Twitter think it's ok to bash other 24/7 and it's really not

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She ain't no random person tho. :gum:  She's Lady Gaga. If she tells you something you better obey. :grr:  :derpga:


Would you jump off a cliff if Gaga told you so? :laughga:

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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You are the ones who she's not making any changes for. You're stuck in one frame of mind, open it up a little and realize we really DO have the ability to promote online positivity & kindness. And those trolls she blocked already begged her for forgiveness and claimed they would stop being cruel, so yea, she DID make a difference. Changing the mindsets of millions of prepubescent queens doesn't happen overnight, she's in it for the long game  ;)


I just feel like it's something so irrelevant and unimportant though. It's a silly twitter name. Gaga speaks highly of herself in her music all the time, I don't see the difference.



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but then it's just getting into a competition about whether or not she "slays" or is good and i think she's against that, it's not even the issue at hand.  i don't think this is the time to be showing people that she really has substance lol.  i think she's trying to make a statement to her fans (who already love her) that have attitude issues on the internet and plugging her album and lyrics cheapens it for me.


reminds me of that jeff koons parody twitter: "love each other.  buy my art."


If she's talking to her fans, they already have the album (probably) by now, so adding the lyrics wouldn't even matter. It's not a marketing tactic. And those tweets don't even show up on regular people's timelines, they are only seen if they follow the people she's @ing. It's just her way of explaining things with her enigma mind. 

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I love how she's doing this. I think we should really learn from her .. she's setting a great example 

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Well, she said that it's okay to keep your fave's name in your username but not in a way that spreads negativity towards other artists

eeerm she isnt in charge to judge what others write or dont.in fact she was the one tp say she doesnt judge ppl

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She is so smart these days! Can't believe it! Genius! Can someone tweet her to change her name?





such color


much gradient




most creative 

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If she's talking to her fans, they already have the album (probably) by now, so adding the lyrics wouldn't even matter. It's not a marketing tactic. And those tweets don't even show up on regular people's timelines, they are only seen if they follow the people she's @ing. It's just her way of explaining things with her enigma mind. 

well there is this


#PromoteOnlineKindness we could belong together. ARTPOP.


obviously with the hashtag she wants people to retweet it and share it.  likely to non gaga fans.  ARTPOP ARTPOP ARTPOP, her brand new album. :P

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