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US Charts Discussion - (ARTPOP - 100K+ this week!)


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I don't mind the video being long, a 5-minute or 6-minute video isn't going to hurt her unless it's a BTW-type of video. Look at some of her most praised videos: Telephone, Paparazzi, Alejandro.



Don't go and act like a long video is the end of the world

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er, you guys are ****ing lame. now gaga can't create a longer than usual videos because her crazy ass dramatic fans ARE SCARED THAT IT WON'T PLEASE THE GENERAL ****ING PUBLIC? This is sad, really sad. All of her most iconic music videos have been longer than usual. I HIGHLY doubt it's gonna be a 13min video so stop tripping.

Yes because long videos really helped her with BTW and MTN, lol

TFM. Need I say more? Long videos work if done well. 

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Ok guys, she had a hit with applause and while she had a massive lowering of sales ARTPOP sales are comparable to the pop girls. Can we be satisfied with that and let her do long videos? Paparazzi, Telephone, Alejandro were long videos and they smashed... And even if DWUW doesn't, come on we know she's got star power with snl, her singles are doing good on iTunes. Let's just let her do her thing. I love her long videos. Granted MTN was too long but she has shaded herself as a director before so with proper direction DWUW will do good.

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Good videos work fine. It doesn't matter if it's 3 minutes or 7 minutes, as long as it's not 10 minutes. Videos with a ~1 min long intro and outtro are better to be honest. I'm really not mad at this but you guys are just overreacting. There's nothing wrong with a long form video, look at Eh, Eh, Beautiful, Dirty, Rich, TeoG and Yoü and I. Both short form music videos that FLOPPED hard and are boring AS HELL. Her best viewed videos all have more than 5 minutes (besides Poker Face, but that was a gigantic hit).



And yes, the Queen still has starpower, actually way more than Katy or Rihanna or Miley. But it seems like the casual fans aren't interested in her dance-pop sound anymore after 3 dance-pop albums. Her jazz albu will do great.

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You guys are so dramatic :smh:



Anyways, how much did she sell in Japan?


87K uptil now. TOTAl

“The scars on my mind are on Replay”
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er, you guys are ****ing lame. now gaga can't create a longer than usual videos because her crazy ass dramatic fans ARE SCARED THAT IT WON'T PLEASE THE GENERAL ****ING PUBLIC? This is sad, really sad. All of her most iconic music videos have been longer than usual. I HIGHLY doubt it's gonna be a 13min video so stop tripping.

TFM. Need I say more? Long videos work if done well. 

yeah calm down lol

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Ugh I an seriously so over these long videos. I've never even liked any of then anyway, so just makes it worse that her views will be hampered.

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