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Get That ARTPOP Promo, GagaDaily! (OnGoing Event For All)


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Well I managed to grab an Applause promo poster when they were being dished out on the streets of London; very lucky to be at the right place right time :) I've also looked EVERYWHERE for ARTPOP promo and there is none  :crossed:

That counts. Can you post a pic? that would be really awesome!
Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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Does anyone here work at WalMart or Target?

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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I'll try to! I'll go late at night though if I do go. Is it legal to take them down? 

So, how did it go :excited2:

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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Guest Chica TempAcct


ONLY promo in music stores here in Estonia (it's called Lasering)


and guess what, I took this home  :derpga: 53bd497e4ead11e39f9612ede1e5c0fe_8.jpg


it's GORGEOUS! I love it! <3 wonderful catch!

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Important news for those of you trying to obtain this ARTPOP poster from WalMart... the guy at my store says that it will be taken down tomorrow (Tues, 11-26) so you may wish to take a look and get it before they Dumpster it forever.




And..... Look what came in the mail from France today!


A huge French busstop poster.... sadly it has a gigantic crease down the center which really burns my cookies but there's nothing I can do about it, the fellow chose to cram it in a freaking BOX .... :beat:


Anyway, for scale, I have placed a $5.00 bill at the top.


This set me back $40 on Ebay.



Chica, I think you'll feast on this one! (unless I'm out of the loop)



This was taken in Melbourne, Australia and I suspect it was printed prior to October 23. This is the only poster or promo I've seen in Australia. As far as I have seen the other ones worldwide either say "FT. 'APPLAUSE' AND 'DO WHAT U WANT'" or "FEAT. 'APPLAUSE', 'VENUS' AND 'DO WHAT U WANT'". 



Did you end up taking this poster , or taking this picture?

I walk through this exact spot everyday 2 times a day, if only I was there when Gaga was there too



How did your adventure go, did you manage to remove one or take any pics?

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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I tried to get the promo/display they had for ARTPOP from my local Wal-Mart (I know flop tbh) and they said that they can't give the promo displays away cause of copyrights, like wtf are you for real?


So they said no and that they have to trash them once they take them down


EDIT: And this was after they said I could have it once they took the displays down. And I couldn't snatch it like some of you have cause by the time I went back and asked for it they had already taken the displays down and put them in the back and said they couldn't give them to me  :fthis:

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I did this in my local HMV store the other day...I was alone and I felt so shady lmao  :derpga:


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I tried to get the promo/display they had for ARTPOP from my local Wal-Mart (I know flop tbh) and they said that they can't give the promo displays away cause of copyrights, like wtf are you for real?


So they said no and that they have to trash them once they take them down


EDIT: And this was after they said I could have it once they took the displays down. And I couldn't snatch it like some of you have cause by the time I went back and asked for it they had already taken the displays down and put them in the back and said they couldn't give them to me  :fthis:


Have you tried other WalMarts in your area?

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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Did you end up taking this poster , or taking this picture?


Yep, I took the picture! I ran into it whilst out to dinner before a concert, by the time I came back the next day the scaffolding had been removed. :cry:

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Yep, I took the picture! I ran into it whilst out to dinner before a concert, by the time I came back the next day the scaffolding had been removed. :cry:

I had a dream about stealing scaffolding #obsessed Chica :dead:
Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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ONLY promo in music stores here in Estonia (it's called Lasering)

and guess what, I took this home :derpga:53bd497e4ead11e39f9612ede1e5c0fe_8.jpg

Oh I saw that yesterday, almost made me step in.

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One Five Ten

I'm too embarrassed to put my name down for stuff like this,


but I bought a promo poster on ebay for $10, it's about a metre big and is one of the ones before the single change, saying "THE NEW ALBUM FEATURING 'APPLAUSE' AND 'VENUS" - which is what I kind of like about it, it's like a piece of history from a time when Venus was the second single :flutter:

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