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Gypsy, Aura, and GUY enter iTunes Top 100!


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Just checked iTunes and those three song have just entered the top 100!

Gypsy #88

Aura #91

GUY #97

It's only been about 15 hours since release! How high do you think they'll go? Will Sexxx Dreams or Donatella enter the Top 100?? :party:

Sorry if there was a thread for this! :derpga:

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aura and guy because they're at the start of the album and people usually pick from there if they're going to pick something from it.

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Ladey Gagz

How come all the promo singles went #1 with the pre orders, but not all of these? 

It wasn't just from the preorders

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How come all the promo singles went #1 with the pre orders, but not all of these?

I think it's because the album was released as a whole. Not individual singles? :confused:

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How come all the promo singles went #1 with the pre orders, but not all of these? 


Because the album's been released 

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aura and guy because they're at the start of the album and people usually pick from there if they're going to pick something from it.

I think you're forgetting that Aura came out a while ago and people have been wanting to buy it for a while. You and I had the same history.

How come all the promo singles went #1 with the pre orders, but not all of these? 

when you purchase the whole album (like all of us have), that doesn't count as an individual sale to each song. Only when people pick and choose songs do those songs get individual sales. So DWUW, Venus, and Dope shot up because everyone was getting just that song; now that the whole album is out, the album is the one charting off preorders, not the songs.

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Gaga is Life

All those songs did the same in the Aussie iTunes... apart from G.U.Y. I find that interesting :spin: I love how G.U.Y. is at #97 because #97 is a flawless number :legend: Gypsy's quite high :excited2: #88's also a flawless number :legend: (97 and 88 are numbers of two of my favourite drivers in car racing :spin:)

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