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ARTRAVE Livestream - Help with capturing?


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Hi everyone! I'm interested in capturing the LIVESTREAM of ARTRAVE tonight on Vevo to share with everyone, but it's streamed in the Adobe HDS format. I don't suppose anyone here has experience in capturing this kind of stream?  :huh:


I'm interested in capturing both the livestream and the video that will be streamed over the following 48 hours on Vevo, because I'm not sure if Vevo will decide to make any tweaks to the video stream before streaming on-demand.


Why have this concern? Just look at what happened with the Swinefest livestream and on-demand stream from Apple.


I'll probably be able to capture the on-demand stream relatively easily, but is anyone here able to help with capturing the livestream itself? (And no, I am NOT interested in some "screen-recording" method. I'm interested in capturing the stream itself, in original format/codec/etc.)

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Yes I'm able to download Adobe HDS streams and yes I just tried it with with the VEVO stream and it works, but sadly I am not at home when ARTRave will air :/

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