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Entertainment Weekly review ARTPOP


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"Retro may be white-hot right now (see: Miley, Bruno, Daft Punk, et al.), but ARTPOP doesn't reach back far enough. In music, as in fashion, there's a critical gap between vintage and last season."

That line is BS but I guess I can't really complain about the rating.

Why do critics think the album is retro?

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And why does EW give a **** about art?  :pukey: They're the epitome of pop culture. You'd think they'd be a little more appreciative.


I've literally heard complaints about ARTPOP on EVERY side of the spectrum. It's too artsy! It's to pop! Ugh

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Some of their explanations couldnt be more wrong tbh...where are the reviewers with an ARTISTIC EYE?!?!

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But really though, the complaints I have seen for this album are infuriating. "She doesn't reach far back enough. NO WAIT, it's too current! It's too out there, NO it's too commercial! It's TOO diverse!"

Just shut up and listen to the damn record.

Funny how she's too 80's in BTW and not modern enough.. Now she's not retro enough. Haters are always gonna hate

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So what exactly DOES make an impression these days?


Certainly nothing on Bangerz or Prism. It's pop music, but Gaga makes it so much more than just pop. Not sure what they desired.

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They have been against her this whole era. I'm happy with what it got even though it should be higher. They gave Katy a B+ though :wtf:

IKR... :sick:


c'mon man,we all know ARTPOP is way better than PRISM,lyrically,musically....(not hating on PRISM,though)

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Why do critics think the album is retro?


I don't understand it either. First critics criticize her for being influenced by past artists and then they criticize her for not reaching back far enough. It shows a complete lack of understanding of her work.

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EW doesn't even try to hide the fact that they don't like her. :sweat:

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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Maria • 3 minutes ago

How does the same publication that gave Prism - the most boring album released in years a B+ rate ARTPOP even less because "it didn't leave an impression"? I guess listening to the sound of paint dry is more impressive than than an artist who constantly creates albums that her contemporaries don't have the guts or motivation to. Seriously, Prism could have been anyone's album.


yass Maria you go gurl  :tea: Love reading the comments on these articles some are so comically troll. 

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