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Billboard: Lady Gaga Splits With Manager


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billboard reported it- im pretty sure it's real 

Billboard report it the "Ratchet" duet feat. Beyoncé & Azealia  :awkney: so nothing is confirmed.

B.B.A. / Music Lover / Human.
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And now Perez is tweeting her apartment building. Fabulous night.



Perez trying to make us look bad once more on twitter, RT dead threats, after the sh*t he said about Marc Monster... 

That guy is so sick, doing all this for trying to bring media's attention to bad stuff and damageARTPOP promo, i can't at him rn  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:

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I was talking to Zilla on twitter and she said troy was with her last night so i dont know if this is true.

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This is still one magazine quoting another, and not contacting the actual parties. I remember when Rolling Stone (and a ton of others, but that one makes you take it seriously) reported that Gaga and Taylor broke up, which was similarly poorly-sourced, and turned out to be B.S. I'd hope they'd treat a business relationship less cavalierly, but the reporting is still wanting IMHO.

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All though this would be depressing because he's an extremely nice guy, it may be for the best. Him/Interscope have made some extremely messy decisions before.

I do hope this had nothing to do with the DWYW shoot today. Not here for EOG 2.0.

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All though this would be depressing because he's an extremely nice guy, it may be for the best. Him/Interscope have made some extremely messy decisions before.

I do hope this had nothing to do with the DWYW shoot today. Not here for EOG 2.0.


OMG EOG 2.0 :/

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and if it is I hope they solve their "differences" or whatever the reason of their split is or at least end in good terms


I don't want another Laurie Ann Givson (or whatever her name is) drama  :ohno:

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Well.. if Billaboard says it's true.. it most likely is.


I wonder what's going on there..

Billboard didn't say it was true.

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As long as she keeps performing and making music I don't really care. A manager doesn't define her as an artist, it only defines her position on the charts or the money they earn, that's all.


but who else is going to book her tour dates and get all of those venues to fill up?

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