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Rumour: DWUW music video to be directed by Terry Richardson?

Unicorn De Milo

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Paper Gangsta

I don't see what was so wrong with the wrecking ball video, I thought it was tastefully done. People were making a big deal because it was Miley and she was a child star.

I bet there will be nudity, as there usually is with Terry's work lol

Well i hated video because of licking hammrr and miley's awfull body.
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Smooth Criminal

Can you guys STOP SAYING WRECKING BALL PT. 2?? Its this kind of stuff that fans themselves start and the haters pick up and start saying "Gaga is copying again blah blah blah"


Gaga and Terry don't need to make Wrecking Ball pt. 2 smh!

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Blue Jeans

the TayGa Sextape is coming you guys !

Destiny is for losers. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen
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Honestly if it was anyone other than Gaga I would be protesting. (You all know why so don't plead ignorance.) But I love her so I will settle for simply not watching the video.


She should not be working with him. But this is the last I'll speak of it.

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Ray of Light

Can you guys STOP SAYING WRECKING BALL PT. 2?? Its this kind of stuff that fans themselves start and the haters pick up and start saying "Gaga is copying again blah blah blah"


Gaga and Terry don't need to make Wrecking Ball pt. 2 smh!

We're referring to the buzz/controversy Wrecking Ball created. Not the video itself. Gaga has had her 'Wrecking Ball' in terms of content, and that was 'Cake'. 

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I'm here for this. He's amazing at his work, don't know why so many people hate him. Also he'll show the world what a real ass is, the GP is tired of flat asses tbh. :troll:


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