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Rumour: DWUW music video to be directed by Terry Richardson?

Unicorn De Milo

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Not here for this. I love Richardson as a photographer but Wrecking Ball was disappointing and only did well because of the controversy.

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I don't see what was so wrong with the wrecking ball video, I thought it was tastefully done. People were making a big deal because it was Miley and she was a child star.


I bet there will be nudity, as there usually is with Terry's work lol

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This is perfect!

It can be a quick, simple video done on his set, it would be very easy for it to be controversial, and it could be released faster due to its simplicity.

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I'm here for this. He's amazing at his work, don't know why so many people hate him. Also he'll show the world what a real ass is, the GP is tired of flat asses tbh. :troll:

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Alchemy Jones

Well, given that the song is "do what you want with my body," it only makes sense to have a creep like Terry Richardson directing it.

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