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Official Review ARTPOP Track-by-Track thread.


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Aura: I do love this song so much, but miss the demo version if i'm completely honest. the raspy vocals were pure perfection, and it probably would have been my favourite song off the album if they were still in it. The new vocals are growing on me however. I kinda hate the 'bridge' part of the song, but the chorus and lyrics are superb in my opinion.



Venus: LOVE this song!!! One of my favourites most definitely. The verses are SICK and the chorus is SICK, the weakest part for me is the pre-chorus, especially the 'take me to your planet' part; I still love it though! I love the bridge so much and I think it's the best chorus on the album, and possibly her career.



G.U.Y: I only heard the album today, and was reading all these comments about how amazing G.U.Y was so i think i was anticipating the impossible. the production is E.P.I.C and the intro is great! There is something slightly off about the Chorus, but the instrumental seriously makes up for it. I also love the little adlibs that are in the song. That mini instrumental during the post chorus>>>>>>. The ending of the song is possibly my favourite part of the album!



Sexxx Dreams: i prefer her vocals in the live version BUT that's only because they're more sultry, not because of anything else. The synths in the chorus slay. That line 'i cant believe i'm telling you this...' is perfect! Love that it's just a fun s-xy song! A bit busy at times though...



Jewels N' Drugs: SOOO much better than the live version- she sounds so good! I miss the T.I intro and the 'MUNAHHY' at the end, but they were clearly adlibs in the live version anyway. Her hooks on this are crazy and were stuck in my head since the ITunes Festival. I was pleasantly surprised that i liked this song so much :)



MANiCURE: Love how her voice sounds in this, and the chorus is catchy as fvck. I love the 'can you feel it' parts, and i'm really feeling the lyric changes. i kinda dislike the second prechorus though. The instrumental at the end slays me though! LOVE THE BRIDGE TOOOOO!!!



Do What U Want: Probably my least favourite song. I think both Gaga and R. Kelly sound amazing together, and i'm in love with the lyrics/ the message behind the song. There's nothing really wrong with it at all, but i just preferred the other songs on ARTPOP so much more than this one. 



ARTPOP: The underwater urethral feel to this song blows me away. love the 'Hee Hee's', and even though i don't understand the lyrics in the slightest, i think they're amazing. The second pre-chorus is my favourite part and the strings part just before the second chorus is amazing! Love the bridge. Great track!  



Swine: I love this track so much. the SWIIIIIIIIIINE parts are brilliantly catchy, and i love the drop, cause it causes so much anticipation. I would have liked more lyrics or less of that instrumental parts. It's a great song though and i'm obsessed with the 'i know i know' parts. I miss her squeals and grunting, and i don't really like the 'paint your face' parts...



Donatella: Perfection. like I cannot fault it, and if i start saying what i love about it, i wont stop so....



Fashion!: Such a cute song; very Disco. I can see why people consider it filler, but it's not that bad at all. I actually really love it and the ending is great! It's so camp, and that note in the bridge :worship: Feels like a song from The Fame :cry:



Mary Jane Holland: Another song that I love. The Pre-chorus is just..... 'Russian Hookers and Cheap Gin' i just cant at how perfect it sounds. Love the 'Mary...Jane...Holland' parts. I totally get why people said Bloody Mary and HML had a baby and produced this smash. The bridge's lyrics are hilarious and it reminds me of Queen, which is obviously great. Love the light up at the end :legend:



Dope: One of my favourites off the album which i was surprised at since i didn't like IWBWY. I love her slurry vocals- it makes me picture her drunk, crying and playing on the piano. it feels like such a true and honest song which i love. The production is perfection. I have a few issues with the melody in certain parts of the song. Don't for a second understand the hate this song is getting...



Gypsy: The lyrics to this are beautiful but i feel like this song is slightly overrated... the 'i'm i'm i'm a gypsy gypsy' bits are excellent, and i wish it was in there more. The listing of the countries is crazy good, but i feel the production is a little cheesy, but i think it kinda suits the song if that makes sense? The ending of this song made me feel so many emotions- it's a really happy song, which i love!



Applause: Love this song. I understand why she put this at the end, but i think Gypsy would have been the perfect ending to this amazing album.



Overall, 9/10.

I know i gave most of the songs less than 9/10, but i was being as harsh as i could honestly. Track after track after track of pure pop perfection. i couldn't have asked for more. Well Done Gaga :pawsup:

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I can't at people hating this song! it's not a stand out track in ARTPOP but it's still a great song

and Gypsy should be a 10/10

I agree with pretty much evrything else


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Sorry, i'm all for people having their own opinions, but this is just atrociously wrong :wtf:

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Sorry, i'm all for people having their own opinions, but this is just atrociously wrong :wtf:


Haha, you don't seem to understand the concept of an opinion, then...it's impossible for it to be either completely right or completely wrong. I'm not criticizing anyone who loves the album, so I don't see why I should be criticized for not loving it. I'm happy everyone enjoys it so much, though. Hugs.  :hug:

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Writing down my thoughts right as I listen to the album, so forgive me if it's a bit disjointed or if it comes off as hastily written and primitive (because it is, lol).

1. Aura: The intro is strange but I think it's interesting as a start to the album. The extended "haha" and "auraaaaaa" go on for too long but they fit in context. The beat is on point but her vocals on the first verse sound subdued. They've definitely grown on me, though. The lyrics are really odd. The chorus is very sweet and ethereal, I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It feels weird in the midst of the hard-hitting beats. I know it's a lot of people's favorite part though so that's nice. Her vocals and the lyrics on the second verse are perfect. The beat works perfectly. Even the auto-tune works great. It's so aggressive. The bridge is nothing to write home about but it's interesting. The second chorus finishes the song off well, and the breakdown is really well-done. 

Highlight: Second verse.

2. Venus: The Sun Ra sample starts the song off on an interesting note. I'm not really sure about the lyrics with this one, they make no sense at points. Gaga did a good job with the production. The vocals are good but nothing wow. The vocals on the first hook are spectacular. "Take me to your planet, take me to your planet, take me to your venus" is a very interesting segment. The beat grabs your attention. The chorus, again, is mixed for me. Like Aura, it seems so sweet and sugary compared to the rest of the song. The beat starting from the "act sleazy" line is a nice change. The lyrics continue to make no sense. The second chorus is a bit of a bore. The bridge is crazy. The lyrics are weird, but the beat and the build-up are fantastic. "Don't you know my ass is famous" is iconic. The third chorus is just so useless and annoying. 

Highlight: Bridge.

3. G.U.Y: The intro is so annoying. It sounds off-tune. I'm glad Gaga did her research this time and found out that Himeros is the god of s-xual desire, not Eros. The beat hits you hard. The lyrics are brilliant and vocally she sounds on-point. It's very strange but it's all well-done. The robot voice fits right in. The chorus is great, again sugar compared to the rest of the song, and a bit repetitive. The beat continues to impress, and Gaga continues to do her thing. The piano bit with "I'm aiming for the control of this love" is brilliant. The second chorus blends well. The bridge is such a pleasant surprise. The woman in the background fits perfectly with Gaga's demanding lyrics. The third chorus adds in some more lyrics. The ending is mindblowing, she goes kind of mental.

Highlight: Outro.

4. Sexxx Dreams: She sounds so sensual and seductive. The lyrics are so dirty yet classy. DJWS did an unbelievable job with the production. "Help me here" sounds so needy, I love it. The transition to the pre-chorus is brilliant, as is the pre-chorus itself. The chorus is so 80's. The added elements to the chorus are a breath of fresh air. This is the best chorus so far. The second verse has insane lyrics and everything comes together. The chorus is actually refreshing to hear again. The bridge comes in out of nowhere. The whole guitar feel is cute. "I can't believe I'm telling you this but I've had a couple of drinks and oh my god *laugh*" sounds so s-xy. Third chorus finishes off the song.

Highlight: Pre-chorus.

5. Jewels n Drugs: *cough* The beat on T.I's verse is something new. The verse itself is good but nothing spectacular. The chorus is so off-kilter and just comes at you. Gaga's verse has some cringeworthy lyrics but sonically it's muy bien. Her vocals at a few points are stunning. I could go on forever and ever about the beat on Too Short's verse. Too bad the lyrics suck. The second chorus is even better than the first. It sounds so nostalgic, I don't know how to put it. Then the beat switches up again and just slaps you across the face. It's incredible. Twista is the best of the 3 features. He does an excellent job. The third chorus is a good end.

Highlight: Twista's verse.

6. MANiCURE: Gaga needs to work on her non-existent intros because I feel like this song is attacking me. The beat is very 80's anthemic rock. The vocals are extremely strong. Gaga should consider a career in rock. The lyrics are very female-centric, but nonetheless well-written. The chorus is totally sing-along. "Can you feel it" is good yet annoying. The second verse picks things up again. She sounds so omg. The second chorus is just there. The guitar has my stamp of approval. The echo on "MANiCURE!" is subtle. The third chorus was needed. The vocoder bit or whatever it is comes in next. Then there's that BREAKDOWN. The guitar solo is so powerful. The song ends quickly and you feel like something was missing.

Highlight: Guitar solo.

7. Do What U Want: The beat is everything and more. The Mariah-esque vocals are everything. The first verse has some very lame lyrics (I stand up and then I'm ok) but it's okay. The chorus is so uplifting for some reason. She sounds angelic. I love the message on this song. R. Kelly sounds no less smooth than expected. His lyrics are also... awkward. His verse completes the song. I'm particularly fond of when he warbles "f-ck" if I'm being honest. The second chorus is, once again, delicious. The bridge is beautiful. The R&B feel of this song is tasty. When she and R. Kelly start singing together everything just clicks. The song fades nicely.

Highlight: Second chorus.

8. ARTPOP: The intro is divine. The beat is heavenly and she sounds godly. The lyrics are the best on the album so far. I feel like this song was really necessary to define the theme of ARTPOP. The pre-chorus works its way into the chorus effortlessly. The chorus is like a gift from above. The second verse has such good lyrics. The distant "hee-hee"s are so eerie and atmospheric. The second pre-chorus is even better than the first. I'll never get tired of hearing this chorus. The bridge comes in and kills the whole song (positively). Yes Gaga preach it to these money-thirsty hoes. Music not the bling. The chorus is a calm and suitable ending to the song. The outro is everything.

Highlight: Second verse.

9. Swine: Once again, I'm being attacked, Gaga. The beat is a masterpiece in production. I have no idea what the first word is but she sounds so s-xy when she says it. The vocals are on-point. The lyrics are somewhat odd. The chorus is so sugary compared to the rest of the song. I thought we got over that Gaga? Her squeal when she says "squeal out" is everything. The "swiiiiiiiine" chant is useless. The beat build-up and drop is intense but too short. Credit to DJWS for his work. This sounds empty, where is Gaga? Gaga stop dancing and sing. The second verse is so aggressive. I love it. It makes you want to hit the floor. The auto-tune is so beautiful Britney her impact. Chorus again, meh... Same build-up? Really? The breakdown is intense. The "paint" segment is so unexpected and weird, I dig it. Perfect ending.

Highlight: Second verse.

10. Donatella: Get out your champagne. She sounds like such a blonde white girl on the intro, which I'm assuming was the goal. It's so ridiculous but it's fab. The beat kicking in makes me want to dance. The lyrics are not as bad as I expected, but still the worst so far. It's just about fashion, as expected. No harm done I guess. The pre-chorus is dull but curious. The chorus is one of the best on the album. It's so high-energy. This is a banger. The post-chorus is the best piece of lyricism on the song. It describes Donatella perfectly. I'm in love with the second verse's satirical lyrics. Reminds me of TF's satire. The pre-chorus/chorus/post-chorus segment is just a journey. The bridge is short but memorable. Oh another pre-chorus? The second bridge is inferior to the first. The post-chorus is just the way I wanted the song to end.

Highlight: Post-chorus.

11. Fashion!: The intro is so cute. The song starts off strong. You just want to stand up and dance, but it's still got this very nostalgic feel. Gaga sounds Bowie-esque? Don't ask why I feel that way. The lyrics are sweet but subverse. Lmao @ MTN reference. The chorus is such a downer. It's not bad per se, but it should have been better. I cringed at "slay". The second verse is where the song hits its high point. It's an experience. Can the chorus go away? The bridge is one of the most unexpected parts on the album. It's so odd and it comes out of nowhere. The outro is really good. The man's French is tragic but it sounds so Daft Punk you can't help but love it. Props to will.i.am for the beat.

Highlight: Second verse.

12. Mary Jane Holland: What's this I hear? An intro that actually gives you time to be prepared? Shocking. The production is so unorthodox for a pop song. The lyrics on the first verse are very TF(M) from what I can understand. The pre-chorus is just magical. The chorus is one of the best on the album. It doesn't kill the energy of the song like some of the other choruses. The post-chorus is very... lengthy and detailed. Lol. The second verse is on par with the first. The lyrics here, like so many of the other songs, are so signature CrazyGa. Pre-chorus/chorus/post-chorus is what I imagine being high feels like. The bridge is orgasmic. It sounds like something from Disney, but with cheeky lyrics. Gaga can SANG. "When I ignite the flames... sprout" is one of the best things to ever happen to music. The "introducing" part is so cute. The final chorus/post-chorus is good closure. When she said "weeeeeed" I cringed. The lighter at the end is very subtle. I love little details like these on Gaga songs.

Highlight: Bridge.

13. Dope: Let me start off by saying Rick Rubin did a good job with this, even though its production is very minimal. He's the most experienced producer Gaga has ever worked with. Gaga's vocals sound off at the start but they get better as it goes on. The lyrics are really sad and personal. This is definitely the most emotional song. You can't help but get depressed listening to this. Lyrically it's unexpected for a ballad. It's like hearing Gaga letting go of her demons in song. It doesn't drag at all and it's such a sweet, heartbreaking song. I wonder how Gaga's family feels about this song. I see many replays in the future of this song for depressing occasions. She sounds like she's going to break down singing this.  

Highlight: Second verse.

14. Gypsy: Intros, Gaga, intros. The lyrics are lovely and the piano is so refreshing to hear. Her vocals are really strong on the chorus. It's such a dreamy song, even if is fast-paced. The second verse just makes me want to get out and walk about. The Wizard of Oz reference is so cute. The second chorus is even better than the first. I expected better from Madeon, but he delivered. The "I'm I'm a gypsy gypsy..." section doesn't feel forced or repetitive at all. I hope she sticks to piano for live performances of this song though. The bridge comes and goes too fast, but you want it to stay. The second verse is such a climax. The ending comes so naturally. It's not tacky at all. It does, however, feel like she tried to cram in too many countries and the song ends too abruptly.

Highlight: Second verse.

15. Applause: Ah, Applause. Our first official taste of the album. The production still sounds as fresh as ever. The lyrics are amazing in all their strangeness. The chorus just gets you energized and makes you want to go wild. I'm not going to go on too long about this one, but I love it. DJWS did a great job, and this is a perfect album closer.

Highlight: First verse.



A definite 9/10. My favorite Gaga album.

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1. Aura
Back when it leaked in August I saw the live leak at Radio ARTPOP, at first I was like no....but when the beat came in and the weird detuned Guitar riff, I freaked out. In Overall I love this track, The current version on the album is kinda lackluster, if they could replace the album version verses with the demo I would be happy.

I listen more to the Demo and the SwineFest version since the Aggression in the verses and the angelic voices in the chorus flow better, and make the song more passionate. Also the contrast is between aggression and soft vocals is great because it shows her struggle between her feministic nature and submissiveness. The chorus litterally lets you the listener and the person she sings of take a peak at her vulnerable side: Do you wanna see me naked lover? Do you wanna peak underneath the cover.

Later in the chorus she speaks of: "Do you wanna touch me Cosmic Lover? I think that part ties in perfectly in the socalled ARTPOP trilogy, which I think will be AURA, Venus and G.U.Y. Since they all bear the theme of space/Gods....Cosmic lover can be seen as the Himeros which she speaks of in G.U.Y, which is a god, but also ties in with the space theme of Venus.

Beatwise the buildup makes on want to hear more, it's an earworm. But its not everyone's cup of tea. I would really like this be a single somewhere in the future, or at least Gagz need to make a music video for it.

7.5/10, because I like the demo better. But still one of her best songs.





2. Venus
This track is a weird one, catchy, and has 4 big hooks. I kinda dislike the transition between the first verse and the prechorus. The hook after the Prechorus: Take Me to your planet/to your leader. might be the most catchy part of the track since she sings in a syncopating style. Personally I think the chorus misses something, I like it tho, but It has more to do with the drop.


I heard a mashup of Venus with Rocket 9 by Geschaffelstein, which replaced the chorus with a big drop. It does make the song more banging for some reason. So a different chorus would have made this track my ultimate banger. Unlike Aura, this track has less indepth lyrics and is more "fun".


For Gaga's first production, it sounds on par with anything she released with RedOne. It's on equal footing with Poker Face and Bad Romance production wise. But it could have been more than anything she produced with him. It's unfortunately not near it's full potential due the production choices/ song structure.


As I said earlier, this song ties in thematically into the Space/God(des) stories/lyrics of Aura and G.U.Y. And supposedly there is already a music video for it.


7/10: Since I feel the verses prechorus, are the highlights of the song, while the "biggest" hook is a bit underwhelming.




3. G.U.Y
About this song, everything is perfect. I had to say the snippet didn't make warm or cold towards the song. But when I first heard the full track it blew me away. It's an earworm, and up to now it never get's tiring to listen to it. Thematically the track is maybe the direct sequal of AURA or the last installment in the ARTPOP trilogy. Because in this track she uncovered herself from her burqa and shows her beauty in all glory to her lover, and demands her lover to touch her. She seeks control in making love with him. Her being submissive makes her more confident towards her lover.


Zedd's production is on point, there is nothing I get annoyed by or what could have been better.

10/10: Perfect, and the intro is everything. 4th single please!!!




4.Sexxx Dreams
First off, I loved this track. But I feel the Swinefest version was the best of both versions.  I think a combinations of both tracks would make this track the ultimate version: The first two chorusses of the Swinefest version, and the bridge of Swinefest version combined with the rest of the studio version. So that would mean discarding the first two chorusses and the bridge of the final version. Why? Because it show more of a buildup, and everything would be more audible. The bridge of the SwineFest Demo was better because it gave the song more mystery. The "We Were in the Swimming Pool part" fitted perfectly in the flow of the song. I think sometimes that Lady GaGa should use this rule: "If it ain't broken, don't fix it".


Aside from that bit criteria, I still love the song, the production is fantastic. But after hearing G.U.Y, I don't feel this is gonna be her s-x themed single for this Era. I hear a lot of 90's RnB fused with Daft Punk through out the song and 70's disco/funk in the bridge. The strings/violins are a beautiful addition to the song in the second verse.


Lyrics wise, it's interesting, since it makes me feel as if she's two person. A bit of a Schizrophrenic song. One voice sings very seductive and the other is very desperate/hopeless. On the otherhand if the general listener didn't know this duality in her personality in this song, it would be a song about adultry or having an affair with a third person. Clever song.

9/10: because the SwineFest version was a bit better.




5. Jewels n' Drugs
This track is okay, she shows her versatile side of her being an musician/artist. Trap hiphop isn't something she really explored until this Era. I love trap especially a track like Swimming Pools (Drank) by Kendrick Lamar, and beat wise this track doesn't really underwhelm, however lyrically it doesn't speak to me. Also I like T.I's part, If Too Short's part was replaced with Kendrick Lamar, it would have been fire. Overall I think this track could have been left out or swapped with any outtake (preferably Princess Die, or Earthquake reworked)


6/10: It's okay, not good, definitelly not great, but not bad either. I wouldn't mind her to venture in trap again, but on a more serious tone.





This song didn't do much for me either at first, at SwineFest it was underwhelming, maybe because the stream I had made it sound like she was a bit off key. The HD recording later showed me that was not true, she was in key. Content wise it doesnt speak to me either. It's a very girly song, while having an 70s/80s glam rock edge with influences of Trap (the drums are very trap at parts) and Musical (the brass is very Musical-ish/).


The thing I like about the studio version is the guitar part at the end. Lyrical and vocal wise it flows better than the SwineFest version. The Muh-Muh-MANiCUREd parts reminds me of PokerFace and Monster, but that is all it ties the track to the TF/M songs.

7/10: It good, not my favourite since I lyrically don't have a connection with the track.




7. Do What You Want (feat. R.Kelly)
This might be one of my absolute favourites. Lyrically it's an selfempowering track, while being disguised as s-xy almost nymphomanic song. I hear the Michael Jackson reference in the vocals style, especially towards the end, there she belts out ad-libs similar to The Way You Make Me Feel and Leave Me Alone by MJ. Also in the lyrics there are some ties with MJ. In the first verse she sings about:


I feel good, I walk along
But then I trip on myself and I fall
I, I stand up, and then I’m okay
But then you print some ****
That makes me want to scream


It really summarizes MJ's live in a nutshell.

In the first part of the first verse she sings:

I feel good, I walk along
But then I trip on myself and I fall
I, I stand up, and then I’m okay


MJ was on top of the world, he performed, he gave around 300 million dollars to charity (for orphaned and sick children), he was tackled by the media since he was accused of child abuse (Later on there were allegations against him in 2005, and was acquited on 10 counts and 4 misdemeanors, even the recent so called leaks that were posted in the entertainment part of these forums, were fabricated by people who wanted to take him down).


He stood up several times, after the Dangerous Era in 1993 he was accused for child abuse by one boy and it blew in the media. MJ came back in 1995 with an album called HIStory Book I: Past, Present and Future. It was a collection of his best hits and an whole new album as the second disc. That second disc included hits such as Scream with Janet Jackson, They Don't Care About Us, Earth Song, You Are Not Alone, Tabloid Junkie and Stranger in Moscow.


In Scream, MJ sings in the chorus: 

Stop pressuring me, You make me Wanna Scream.


That ties with the Lady GaGa lyric:

"But then you print some ****
That makes me want to scream"


It also ties in with the track Tabloid Junkie in which Mj sings this in the prechorus:

It's slander
With the words you use
You're a parasite in black and white
Do anything for news


and this in the chorus:


Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual


It's in both MJ songs and Lady GaGa song clearly a jab toward the media and critics.

Another tie to MJ is the inclusion of R.Kelly. Since 1995 MJ and R.Kelly wrote several song together of which only a few had been released on albums like HIStory, Invincible and Number Ones. the best known song of them working together You Are Not Alone. It's a song for open interpretation, but in the music video for that song MJ finds love with Lisa Marie Presley at the time while being haunted by the media. The media doesn't really like to cover positive news about R. Kelly these days. He had also allegations abouta rape case and a paedophilia case, which in both he was acquited.


The lyrics R.Kelly sings are not very in depth at first, but it ties into theme as well. he sings about private high class live and escapism in love and d--gs. MJ needed sedatives to function and sleep later on in his live. Lady GaGa used d--gs in the past probably to escape from the bull**** happening around her (hence the song Swine).


The Do What You want with my body part of the song is actually the peak of the song, it says whatever they say, think or do, the media and public can't change them for who they are, but they can do what they want with their bodies, since they are artists who give themselves their all. The last part needs some explanation. The artists give all they have to the public, if the public doesn't like the actions of the artist they demand change or intervention, the artists will be impacted by that and it makes them feel dead inside (which ties with the them of Swine).


10/10: To conclude Do What U Want: it might be one off the strongest songs Lady GaGa has ever written, and it's a nice tribute to MJ (R.I.P MJ).





The beat of this song reminds me of Love Me Like a Love song by Selena Gomez and Bed Time Stories by Madonna combined. The Lyrics, Vocals and Melody are quite unique and hypnotic. It's not a track that would make sense to the public, they would think it's a weird song about love. However in this song Lady GaGa sings about the immortalization of ART in popculture and daily life. I think the double meaning of love and the ARTPOP theme is clever. The bridge is a bit underwhelming in my opinion, since it's quite monotome and it would have benefitted of a more melodic vocal part.

8/10: Not my favourite, but it grows onto me. I think it will be my favourite title track by gagz till date.





9. Swine
For me this is one of the 4 highlights of the album. Swine is a song about losing yourself in abuse on mental and physical levels and they way it makes one feel dead inside and therefore being angry at the swine part of yourself and the abuser.

The Beat reminds me a lot of a Benny Benassi production combined with a Zedd track. Super catchy. I love the Swine/Squeel like background vocals in the verses. Also the Squeel sounds at the drop are phenominal. The SwineFest version was I think the best version. The piano segue  warms the listener up to the track. You expect it to be a rock track at first. The combination of the Benny Bennassi/Zedd like beat with the Rock Lead Guitars and the loose drums throughout the track made it an incredible fusion between the Hardrock and EDM genres. the squeeling during SwineFest was everything, it needed to be included in the studio version as wel. I heard the extended mix and the album version as well, I think it is still one of her best songs till now. I hope she will release a studio recording of the SwineFest version on the ART(p)APP :derpga:  or as addition to the single CD/download if it ever becomes a single.

10/10: nuff said 





10. Donatella:
interesting song, the song begins a bit like an New Jack Swing song. New Jack Swing is the genre Teddy Riley invented and ventured at the end of the 80's begin 90's, which combined Jazz, Hiphop, R&B and Pop/ The spoken intro is sassy and fun. The beat of the rest of the song reminds me of Swine again, but less hard hitting. at times the beat sounds like Scream & Shout by Will.I.Am and Britney Spears. the lack of a drop makes this song a bit weaker than Swine. Also it has a Benny Benassi vibe to it.


Lyric wise it's a bit of a sassy and sarcastic biographical ode to Donatella Versace. For most of GP, they will like it beat wise and the catchiness. Lyic wise I can't connect to it. It's fun, but not really a life changing track. The inclusion of the: "Ask your gay friend for advice", might get some criticism. with further a due, I don't mind that part of the lyrics.

6.5/10: the production is splendit, great vocals, but not relatable.





11. Fashion!
This track is production wise wonderfull, it reminds me a lot of a The E.N.D. track, it's a grower, great production by Will.I.am and Guetta. Has some Daft Punk/Nu-disco influences. Not really relatable like Donatella and MANiCURE before.

7/10: It will grow onto me in time, but for now it's good.




12. Mary Jane Holland
Lovely ode to Weed and Holland. Also interesting to know her new persona Mary Jane Holland if she wants to be icognito in Amsterdam. I'm not into d--gs, but the whole combination of beat, lyrics and vocals makes me feel like I have a trip. Love it, nothing much to say further.

8.5/10: Everything I said above about MJH.





Another song about Drugs. Personally I love the piano intro. I don't really like the organ. The synths added during the song are great. i never really liked the song, it sounds also very similar to Hair vocal wise. The outro is great, very simple and a sense of being broken/tired I get from it. Her slurring the words tie in well with the theme of d--gs. I can relate to the song due things happening in my past, but I find the vocals a bit too overdone for this one. The impact would have been harder if she sung it without belting it. It would have made it more vulnerable. This is something I feel as well with a lot of Adele songs, they are good, but a bit to screamy/belted. Subtlety is better at times.

6.5/10: since it vocal wise is not at it's full potential, even though I like the production and the lyrics.




14. Gypsy
I have to say this, it's her best song to date, and number 1 in my top 4 of best songs from ARTPOP. Everything is perfect about this track. The feels I get from it. First track by her ever that I had to wipe away some tears. Lyric wise, vocal wise, melody wise and production wise it is perfect. I expect it to be on her signature songs. it will be a big international radio hit. It could be a great summer single as well. Well done gaga, make more songs like this. I would like to have a studio recorded version of Gypsy as well. the Ampya premiere was so magical, the studio version doesn't touch that version.

10/10: No explanation needed. Gaga + Madeon + Redone = Magic Please be the 3th single!!!!!!





15: Applause
Well I'll keep it short on this one. It's a logical and great ending for her album. Also a great encore for an concert. Very relatable for anyone who wants recognition and be praised for what they do. Also a signature track by Gaga. Could have been mixed better. Great Vocals, The Lyrics are a bit odd at first, but the way she sings them make them work out well.

9/10: not her strongest song ever, but memorable.



The album gets an 8/10 from me in overall.

forgive me if I made spelling or grammar errors, english is not my mother tongue :ohwell:

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I've listened to Fashion! the whole way through like twice i just can't get into it i dont know why, I get bored half way through and switch to Swine Donatella or GUY


I Really really thought gypsy was boring AF at first but i really love it when it picks up and ooft the country listing at the end!

Im a gypsy gypsy gypsy Hey :legend:

I’m a bad friend
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Haha, you don't seem to understand the concept of an opinion, then...it's impossible for it to be either completely right or completely wrong. I'm not criticizing anyone who loves the album, so I don't see why I should be criticized for not loving it. I'm happy everyone enjoys it so much, though. Hugs.  :hug:

I think you're taking me a tad too seriously :laughga:

I obviously disagree with your opinion though, but there's obviously gonna be some people that don't like it as much as me :hug:

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7. Do What You Want (feat. R.Kelly)

This might be one of my absolute favourites. Lyrically it's an selfempowering track, while being disguised as s-xy almost nymphomanic song. I hear the Michael Jackson reference in the vocals style, especially towards the end, there she belts out ad-libs similar to The Way You Make Me Feel and Leave Me Alone by MJ. Also in the lyrics there are some ties with MJ. In the first verse she sings about:


I feel good, I walk along

But then I trip on myself and I fall

I, I stand up, and then I’m okay

But then you print some ****

That makes me want to scream


It really summarizes MJ's live in a nutshell.

In the first part of the first verse she sings:

I feel good, I walk along

But then I trip on myself and I fall

I, I stand up, and then I’m okay


MJ was on top of the world, he performed, he gave around 300 million dollars to charity (for orphaned and sick children), he was tackled by the media since he was accused of child abuse (both accusations he was luckily not found guilty on all 10 charges, even the recent so called leaks that he did something were fabricated by people who wanted to take him down).


He stood up several times, after the Dangerous Era in 1993 he had the first accusation and was acquited from all charges, and came back in 1995 with an album called HIStory Book I: Past, Present and Future. It was a collection of his best hits and an whole new album as the second disc. That second disc included hits such as Scream with Janet Jackson, They Don't Care About Us, Earth Song, You Are Not Alone, Tabloid Junkie and Stranger in Moscow.


In Scream, MJ sings in the chorus: 

Stop pressuring me, You make me Wanna Scream.


That ties with the Lady GaGa lyric:

"But then you print some ****

That makes me want to scream"


It also ties in with the track Tabloid Junkie in which Mj sings this in the prechorus:

It's slander

With the words you use

You're a parasite in black and white

Do anything for news


and this in the chorus:


Just because you read it in a magazine

Or see it on the TV screen

Don't make it factual


It's in both MJ songs and Lady GaGa song clearly a jab toward the media and critics.

Another tie to MJ is the inclusion of R.Kelly. Since 1995 MJ and R.Kelly wrote several song together of which only a few had been released on albums like HIStory, Invincible and Number Ones. the best known song of them working together You Are Not Alone. It's a song for open interpretation, but in the music video for that song MJ finds love with Lisa Marie Presley at the time while being haunted by the media. The media doesn't really like to cover positive news about R. Kelly these days. He had also allegations abouta rape case and a paedophilia case, which in both he was acquited.


The lyrics R.Kelly sings are not very in depth at first, but it ties into theme as well. he sings about private high class live and escapism in love and d--gs. This is what both MJ and Lady GaGa have in common as well.


The Do What You want with my body part of the song is actually the peak of the song, it says whatever they say, think or do, the media and public can't change them for who they are, but they can do what they want with their bodies, since they are artists who give themselves their all. The last part needs some explanation. The artists give all they have to the public, if the public doesn't like the actions of the artist they demand change or intervention, the artists will be impacted by that and it makes them feel dead inside (which ties with the them of Swine).


10/10: To conclude Do What U Want: it might be one off the strongest songs Lady GaGa has ever written, and it's a nice tribute to MJ (R.I.P MJ).


*Puts on stan fedora*


- Michael was never charged in 1993, and so never acquitted.

- Michael was found not guilty of 10 counts and 4 misdemeanours in the 2005 trial (14 charges not 10). Sneddon added the misdemeanours to try and get a conviction on anything after spending what he did to try and convict an innocent man.

- Michael became addicted to pain killers following the burns he got from the Pepsi commercial; his d--g use wasn't related to high living or escapism with love. Michael didn't take d--gs for the high, he got out of his mind to try and do two things: function and sleep.



EDIT: 800th post. YEOW.

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*Puts on stan fedora*


- Michael was never charged in 1993, and so never acquitted.

- Michael was found not guilty of 10 counts and 4 misdemeanours in the 2005 trial (14 charges not 10). Sneddon added the misdemeanours to try and get a conviction on anything after spending what he did to try and convict an innocent man.

- Michael became addicted to pain killers following the burns he got from the Pepsi commercial; his d--g use wasn't related to high living or escapism with love. Michael didn't take d--gs for the high, he got out of his mind to try and do two things: function and sleep.

I'm a MJ stan as well, forgive me for me not remembering everything about MJ. I can change that about the 1993 accusation. So 2005 was the only "real" allegation with 10 cases and the 4 misdemeanors? It's been a while so I didn't know the details anymore. 


But I have to say, Escapism in d--gs is what MJ did eventually to sedate himself from all mental pain during the first accusations in 1993 and the allegations in 2003-2005. And I thought Elizabeth Taylor was the one who tried to get him up out of that mess in 1993. But the love part I will change.

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I think you're taking me a tad too seriously :laughga:

I obviously disagree with your opinion though, but there's obviously gonna be some people that don't like it as much as me :hug:


Oh, goodie. Sorry about that. You never know who's gonna be shady! I'm super jealous of everyone who loves it...I waited so long and wanna love it so bad, but it's just not my thing! I think it's a credit to Gaga more than anything, though, that she can make such a diverse range of music. I'll definitely be listening to Aura, GUY, and DWUW like a crazy person, though. 

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Oh, goodie. Sorry about that. You never know who's gonna be shady! I'm super jealous of everyone who loves it...I waited so long and wanna love it so bad, but it's just not my thing! I think it's a credit to Gaga more than anything, though, that she can make such a diverse range of music. I'll definitely be listening to Aura, GUY, and DWUW like a crazy person, though. 

No, I wasn't being shady at all, just joking!

Maybe listen to it again? Honestly, I was a little underwhelmed at first (just because of Swinefest and the snippets/songs released) but the second time was just brilliant! I'm sure it'll grow on you in time :hug:

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Aura (9/10) thank god it's not exactly the Machete Kills version. The verses are cleaner, I can understand what she's saying. It's definitely a great album opener

Venus (9/10) I love the song and I believe most fans love the song... But it is DEFINITELY not single material. The chorus is pure awesomeness and I like the bridge, it's goofy in a good way.

GUY (10/10) One of her masterpieces behind/at the level of Bad Romance. It's s-xy, smart, sentimental, relatable, fun, a little crazy, just everything I want from Gaga. Third single right here!

Sexxx Dreams (8.5/10) I like the song, the new additions will take some time to adapt but all I all very good and her vocals are awesome

Jewels N' Drugs (7.5/10) it's okay, love Gaga's verses they are amazing. Solid song. This seems like a filler to me.

MANiCURE (9/10) I love it, it's just so different from what she's doing. I like the new additions, and I'm glad she kept the "heal me ..." Bit in the song towards the bridge

Do What U Want (10/10) pure perfection, what can I say?

ARTPOP (8.5/10) very hypnotic, mesmerizing and good

Swine (7.5/10) better than Swinefest, better vocals, just not too crazy over the song

Donatella (10/10) it's such a smart and catchy song... Lyrics seem shallow but there is so much she is saying between the lines.... Just like Just Dance. Single material, 4th single

Fashion! (6/10) not too crazy over it, the bridge is killer though

Mary Jane a Holland (9.5/10) such a good song, totally surprised me. Love the instrumentals, it's busy while not messy.

Dope (8.5/10) I'm not a piano ballad person so it's just personal taste, but it's very good way better than IWBWY

Gypsy (9.5/10) just a beautiful and fun song... Love it more than the piano ballad. The paving is soo good on the song

Applause (9/10) wasn't crazy for it at first, but it's a huge grower and I love to sing along to this in the car

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100% AGREE with you on everything here! (especially about the s-xxx dreams chorus and MANiCURE chorus) "HIGH FIVE"

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My review:

1. Aura 8,5/10

An amazing opening, Aura is peek underneath the ARTPOP cover. The chorus is epic. The verses are unique. I am a fan of the new verses but I still find them a little too robotic and souless.

2. Venus 10+/10
Venus is what ARTPOP is all about. Venus is what Gaga is all about. Genious! It has complexity, catchiness, amazing vocals and a great production by Gaga herself. My favorite song on the album.

3. G.U.Y 9.5/10

Another highligh of the album, GUY is very catchy and with amazing lyrics. I love the opening of the song. The production is one of the best on the album

4. Sexxx Dreams 8/10

Sex Dreams was one of my favorites from the Swinefest. I love the theme of the song, the poetic-mysterious lyrics and the vibe. I don't like the chorus of the song a lot anymore though after they added the back vocals that overshadow the main chorus. The bridge is great though!

5. Jewels & Drugs 7.5/10

It is a new territory for Gaga and she still seems a proffesional. I find the other rappers verses kind of basic and the Don't want your Jewels U want your d--gs part boring but Gaga verse is a highlight of the album and the chorus is very good.

6. MANiCURE 10/10

Also one of my favorites. It was my favorite from the Swinefest. When I heard the albums version for the first time I was a bit dissapointed that they changed the heal me part but now I find this version even better! The song is extremely uplifting. It has an anthemic rock vibe but it reminds me the golden 70s for some reason.

7. DWYW 8/10

First of all I am not into rent a rapper collaborations. Except from that I really love the meaning of this song. The verses are great. The chorus is good but its lacking depth. Also the song is a bit generic.

8. ARTPOP 9/10

The album's name track is one of the most unique on the album. The lyrics are poetic. The production and instrumental are aetherial and soft. The song is also very relaxing. The song is working great on the album as a break of all the heavy noises. It also describes perfectly the concept of the album.

9. Swine 8/10

I didn't like this song when I first heard it live on the Swinefest.
The album version slayed me though. Its a club banger. The lyrics are very clever and ARTPOP. The drops are sick, definitely a highlight. Still the song is a bit too rough and noisy and it makes your ears feel weaker.

10. Donatella 8/10

A comical song with very unusual lyrics. Eventhough I was never a fan of Donnatela Versace I respect what she represends for fashion. Some parts of the song feel really akward. The second part of the chorus is life though. I don't like the man's voice in the last part.

11. Fashion! 6.5/10

The only song on the album that is giving me filler vibes. Its just unnecessary. The production is good but the song is just not so good. The epicness of the album is just helping it stand on its feet.

12. Mary Jane Holland 9/10

Another highlight of the album and a very anticipated song. When I first heard the snippet I wasn't very impressed but this song has grown on me to become one of my faves. The lyrics are perfect and the prechorus slays careers. I don't give it a 10 though because I find Madeons production here too noisy and a bit unprofessional. Gaga is the one that makes this song as great as it is.

13. Dope 8,5/10

A very emotional ballad. The lyrics are amazing and the raw vocals and simple production on point. The verses are the highlights. I still love more the IWBWY chorus though.

14. Gypsy 8/10

Another amazing ballad. Great lyrics. Relatable and very catching. Amazing vocals. The chorus is gold. I still don't see the second coming of Jesus on it like everyone else though.

15. Applause 10/10

The lead single of the album is one of Gagas best. Amazing theatrical vocals, gaga lyrics and a killer chorus. The song has huge replay value. The video is a masterpiece

Overall: 9+/10

ARTPOP IS definitely Gagas best work and one of the best albums of this decade. Its the future. A complete and ambitious body of work. It deserves an Applause and your money.

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