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The Hunger Games


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I'm seriously reading the book again. I can't wait until Nov 2013. :cry:

Effie movie spoiler gif.


That was just the best. :lmao:

YESSS!!! I was dying that part. :lmao:

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I saw it tonight with two of my best friends! oyTXO.gif Wow, it was so amazing. I really want to read the book now. tT314.png

dOnT sAd ReAcT mE 2 bE sHaDy i WiLL RePoRt U!!1!
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I just finished reading the first book and am already starting Catching Fire and all I have to say is that its amazing and I can't wait until I go see the movie (I Really wanna see Effie! :party: )

Edited by LilGleekster
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Watching it twice! :party: Jennifer Lawrence was awesome. But I find it too... violent? or something for a PG-13 rating. :eek:

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I just got back from seeing it. Loved the acting, especially Effie Trinket. Scarred by Glimmer's death and cried my eyes out with my mom when Rue died. Other than that, the movie was amazing. The characters were played very well :golfclap:

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I just got back home from watching the film! I've been waiting for this film for three years, and I must truthfully say that the wait was worth it. It was perfect, by far the best film I've ever watched. :cry:

The acting and casting was spot on, the filming techniques and locations were perfect, and the emotion above all was so raw. I think they began the film perfectly and the end had me on the edge of my seat, it was all so brilliant!

It had a really good audience too. People were murmuring with excitement at the beginning of the film as expected, but when the tributes rose from the ground in the arena and the countdown began, there was dead silence. The filmmakers and screenwriters definitely know how to capture audience's emotions! People were laughing at Effie, aww-ing at Peeta and Katniss, crying when you-know-who died and screaming when those mutts appeared out of no where.

I really can't wait for the next film, this exceeded my expectations! :worship:

Just some beliefs about the complaints...

People were complaining about Katniss's fire dress, but I think it was done cleverly. As Cinna said in both the book and film, their clothes would prevent them from being burnt, but they had no cover over the face, so for the fire to be burning behind them in motion was an appropriate thing to do. :yes:

I think the shakiness of the camera really added to the emotions of the film. When Primrose's name gets called out and Katniss volunteers to take her place, that and the events following after would have been so muddled and confusing for her, hence all the shaking.

If you may have noticed, once they get onto the train the camera becomes more still which gave me the impression that she was starting to calm down. But then of course when the games begin, all of her panic rises and so the stability of the camera decreases.

Anywho, happy 74th Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour! :party:

Edited by Joshua
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For those who donΓƒβ€šΒ΄t know, Catching Fire premiere was set at November 22nd, 2013 :excited2:

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For those who donΓƒβ€šΒ΄t know, Catching Fire premiere was set at November 22nd, 2013 :excited2:


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I was laughing SO loud!

Did anyone cry when


died? :cry:

I didnΓƒβ€šΒ΄t, but I was so close :cry:

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