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Listening to the LQ already and SLAYED BY G.U.Y. AS EXPECTED. P E R F E C T.

Good night, Zedd, well done, you can go sleep now.

I want G.U.Y. 2.0 on ARTPOP Uranus Edition please.

Can u please PM me the link to the G.U.Y leak? I wanna hear iiiiiit 

I only listened to the SwineFest tracks in full and here are my opinions:


Now I didn't think the vocal change in Aura was a big deal AT ALL so I still completely love the track...but the changes in Sexxx Dreams are beyond disappointing. The adlibs in the chorus completely kill the vibe of the song and overpower the main melody which was already extremely strong to begin with. The lead synth also is a lot less hard hitting :( Jewels N' Drugs & Swine both basically sound the same as the live versions. I've always loved Swine so completely happy there! I'm quite surprised by how much I like JnD. Her vocals are so The Fame-y. I love it! Now I thought MANiCURE was suppose to sound completely different? Sounds the same aside from the switch of the post chorus which IMO the new one is a lot weaker. Lastlyy Dope. Again I Wanna Be With You is sadly a better song. There was way more emotion in those words. Maybe Dope could have been better if she didn't sing it like a slurring mess. Just not pleasant to listen to IMO. 


Didn't listen to ARTPOP yet cos I really love that song and wanna hear it in HQ for the first time. 

U got the links? PM me them if  :excited:

You know what? I'm listening to the leak now, and J&D sounds soo strong and catchy. I may even risk saying that Sexxx Dreams sounds weak next to this.

I love J&D  

Words can't describe how much I love Gypsy! This song is heaven. 


G.U.Y. sounds like it will be the new Love Game. :excited2:


and Fashion!. Gaga, what were u thinking?

I heard Gypsy today, its PERFECT! 

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Idk what's more sad

That us members are still here waiting

Or that there are more guest than members who bookmark this website and wait with us for the links in the shadows

Idk why i find it so creepy

Like we're being stalked lol

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