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Gaga: I'm not conventionally beautiful


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"Conventional" beauty is a lie that was sold to women so we'd buy their "beauty" products and expensive clothes.  It took me a long time to discover {for myself} that beauty shines from within and goes outward.  Every woman has beauty and every woman has their own special shine.  For me, looking at Gaga is like looking into the sun.  That shine!!!  :)


Sometimes she makes herself not as attractive as she is on purpose, like for a role or to make a point.  Much like the great actors and actresses throughout the ages.

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others. -Socrates
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I get why she says this, there are attributes typically considered to be beautiful.. BUT...

(in case of LurkGa- did I just make that up?)

You are so gorgeous. Your uniqueness is so captivating. I think you are even more beautiful than "typical" beauty, though you embody that as well. I hope you never feel like you need to change yourself, you are perfect and flawless just how God made you, and to me (us), that face, so recognizable, is the face of true kindness, beauty, and hope. :heart:

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Cameron Dallas

Beauty is subjective you know?  ;)



And I don't know, I still think she's gorgeous. The only other stars I think is gorgeous other than her is Nicki and Ke$ha, and even they aren't attractive to the GP.

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I think what she meant is that she doesn't have a button nose or dimples... things that are universally accepted as being "attractive." But I think her features make her look more artistic and interesting  :yes:

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I'm glad she understood that finally :) beauty is subjective, the most important is self-acceptance, it makes you look good.

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I'm happy that she's not beautiful in that way the world considers supermodels etc. as beautiful...

to me she's way more special and beautiful than every other person because her fascinating personality makes her beautiful and she does look great in different outfits

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I think she's beautiful  :) It all just depends on how she does her make-up and sometimes how she dressesbut I always find her to be really pretty when in a simple get-up, which means she is really beautiful ;)

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