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RQ: Venus [iTunes version]


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Anyone have this yet? (From New Zealand maybe?) I plan on buying the song anyways but don't wanna wait 10 hours to put it in my itunes. 



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I don't think it's on any iTunes yet...

Edit: Just checked and it's not

Monsters from New Zealand on ATRL said they had it on iTunes hours ago.. It's released 12.01 am local time, so we wouldn't, they would

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Monsters from New Zealand on ATRL said they had it on iTunes hours ago.. It's released 12.01 am local time, so we wouldn't, they would

I know, but I just checked and it's not available on NZ iTunes

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One Five Ten

Someone please post this! I've looked on Torrents but they're all YouTube downloads! I'm buying it tomorrow when I get paid, my card is maxed!  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

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