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Venus promo single & DWUW official second single!


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Giorno Giovanna


I want Venus!!1!1!1 as 2nd single

She said she doesn't care for charts and so on, but now DWUW becomes next single just because it's better reviewed than expected, what a hypocrate c*nt

If this is ends up being true I'll loose a little bit respect for Gagz, this seems soo floppy again, BTW era mess all over again


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i'm so pissed right now. I was so excited for this era and now they are destroying everything


omg you guys are never happy. What are they destroying ???

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I think she should release both songs as dual singles. DWUW is already slaying and when Venus comes out that would slay too.

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how should I feel?

so is Venus not gonna be a single? will we still be able to hear it on Sunday? Is it gonna be on X Factor? My mind is just



She's still releasing the snippet on Friday and it's being released next week. The only difference is that it's now the promo single rather than DWUW.

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I can't with her like honestly. Hyping the hell out of Venus and scratch it for a promo single because it's #1 on iTunes. 

Edited by THC
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You guys remember the tweet "i dont make music for charts"... yeah... i can hear already all the haters  :toofloppy:


The problem now is they are right this time

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After Gaga was accused of being local with Applause, she will be even more with this made-for-the-USA song!! And we DO NOT want that.

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"I write for the music not the charts"


*DWUW doing well in the charts*


"Okay guys, DWUW is the second single, Venus is cancelled."



Edited by MikeStonem
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In a weird way I hope Gaga totally smashes with DWUW and the video rocks and every performance of it slays, so we can look back on this thread and laugh at ourselves, or cry :laughga:

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Queen Gloria

Get it Do What U Want! Mmm girl, dat's ma jam! :legend: HAPPY FOR THIS NEWS! 


All of you whining about Venus being cancelled, how do you even know it would have been a strong single? We never heard any part of it. DWUW has huge appeal. 

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Oh and...

Germany: already lost 2 positions

USA: Gaga 1.000 dark red

Lorde: 0.7476 white

SEE, SEE THIS- and it's already falling in UK. Ugh :fail: can't believe pre-orders could easily fool Interscope. Still the same label as before.

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All I saw was stanning about DWUW the entire day+yesterday, and now everyone hates this decision? I mean, it's not my favorite song, and I wonder how it would even be possible to have a "Gaga" video for a song like this, but it's not a bad choice for a single. If anything, a song like this will re-awaken the GPs interest.

And if you ask me, the lyrics for Venus sounded way too cooky for the GP to enjoy.

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