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My ($hitty) ReMix Video of Applause


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hey guys, long time no see. I've been away from the site for a while. I decided to play around with the song applause and make a remix of it, using Traktor and a machine called the F1. It is fun to mess around with, but don't expect anything too great.



I just thought I'd share cuz I'm bored. But I think it has potential, the concept of it, but the execution of this particular go is lacking, I Know.


So, check it out if you like






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omg this is so cool :flutter: I want one of those machines now! It looks so fun! :cry: how much did it cost?

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If I were u, I'd wait until Holiday season and Guitar center will definitely be having sales. It is roughly 2 bills, but I paid a little less!

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