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Born This Way Photo Shoot


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Even if the era was pretty messy image-wise, I think this photo shoot gives BTW a strong core aesthetic. They're the type of images that people will look back at one day and go "Wow, this was a pop star!? :eek: "

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Even if the era was pretty messy image-wise, I think this photo shoot gives BTW a strong core aesthetic. They're the type of images that people will look back at one day and go "Wow, this was a pop star!? :eek: "


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Favorite pic.


I want outtakes from the Monster Ball/BTW Ball too, I hate how we just have one photo available.

🌹 free britney 🌹
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Pure Adrenaline

my fave is the obe with her naked ass and her paw up...the best photo from the shoot  :flutter:

It's much more fun to have hizophrenia... u never get lonely
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I'm a big mythos/sci-fi fan, so this shoot really did it for me. It's incredible, imo, both low-fi candid mixed in with retro sci-fi mixed in with contemporary high fashion mixed in with street fashion.


Plus, aliens.


One of her best photoshoots ever in my opinion. Aliens and pink hair :legend:


Bangs (baaangs), that blue/grey rooting, black streaks, placential slime, Xenomorph beehive, everything :legend:


Even if the era was pretty messy image-wise, I think this photo shoot gives BTW a strong core aesthetic. They're the type of images that people will look back at one day and go "Wow, this was a pop star!? :eek: "



3 points in and ready for more
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No one leaked the slime outtake? It was the cover of Born This Way: The Collection?

If you paid attention it's not the same slime pic, it's taken right before the collection cover pic.

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