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Gaga to let fans pick second single


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I really don't understand the love for MANiCURE, it is my least favorite up to so far...

I have decided on Sex Dreams, it is the best choice and will more than likely win her a few fans.  I really cannot imagine non-monsters singing along to MANiCURE or Aura but I can imagine everyone singing along to Sex Dreams because people can relate.

You guys shouldn't be worried about Sex Dreams being censored, Gaga wouldn't let that happen she has already stated so many times in the past she wouldn't allow the radio to butcher one of her songs with censoring lyrics. She'd rather just not release it Sex Dreams than it get destroyed and seeing as how she has put it in the running to be the second single it is likely she has already done her research and has been confirmed it won't get censored. 

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It should be Sex Dreams. Seriously not Aura.

  On 9/4/2013 at 5:49 AM, citylights said:

how is MANiCURE better for radio.

how can you see that song being played against summertime sadness and roar?

its a pop stomp cheesefest. that **** will not smash.

Um...Roar isnt cheesy? Are u serious right now? Lol. Compared to Roar, MANiCURE isnt cheesy. Its super catchy.

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  On 9/4/2013 at 9:10 AM, Ricochetmatt said:

I'm gonna have to call BS on that. Sorry. But I live in a city and have cars driving by my house every second of the day. People listen to some crazy electronic music. **** that makes their cars rattle and shake. People love something they can jump up and down to. And since there really isn't anything like that flooding the radio waves at the moment, I think Swine would ****ing dominate. I know quite a few straight guys even who don't particularly like Gaga who would lose their minds over Swine.


People love out of control beats. It's the truth. I live amongst these people. lol

Well I guess we will find out! But I think if she releases it she will hear crickets n not a single good thing from any reviews and minimal airplay. Just what I think. She can release whatever she wants and I will love her still, I just don't want people to talk **** about her lol it pisses me off

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Sex Dreams or Aura, Actually I wouldn't mind any of the 4 but I don't think it would work all that well with radio for Swine even tho it's such a great track!

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  On 9/4/2013 at 3:15 PM, Kermit the frog said:

It's funny cuz she never said "I'll let you pick the 2nd single", she just said "LET'S SEE which one you would choose". Just remember that.

It's stupid to just ignore a poll. If she doesn't listen at rollingstone, vevo, fans and popjustice (who prefers s-x dreams). Than we can just conclude 1 thing: she is stupid... So let's hope she listen.

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ARTPOP Campaign based on what we currently know, (this is what she should do)


1st Single- APPLAUSE

2nd Single - SEX DREAMS (release it in late october)

3rd Single - TELEPHONE SEQUEL (rumored to be Aura) (release in early january because of radio freeze in december along with music video)

4th Single - Zedd/Madeon production

5th Single- Zedd Madeon Production

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