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Fan recreates the "Born This Way Ball" (WATCH NOW)


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I knew the facts hun. I knew how much money was raised. 

I'm not even being mean. Seriously if you are going to make something like this like I said you have to go grand and not half ass it other wise it looks cheap. Did I say you have to hire a ton of dancers? Get some friends together watch some YouTube videos to learn the choreo and practice. The whole thing just falls flat. Like I said I applaud the effort, the Castle looks pretty cool and the mother GOAT is pretty awesome as well. But it just isn't good. 

You still missed my point. Go GRAND with a budget?? Do it, like I commented back, lets see you do it. It looks like a $500 production, mhkay? And you don't know HOW much money was raised or the bills, how much everything cost, etc. So you don't know the fact. You assume. SMH  :fail:

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Please lord no!

Dude, I love what you did with the stage, costumes and props.

And , yeah, I admit, I laughed. It's strange hearing a guy singing Gaga's songs.

But I really enjoyed myself. I laughed, I smiled, I admired the stage.

+ I love this gif:motorga.gif

^That is my new "Gurl, bye"

What better way to say "kthxbye" than riding off on a Gagacycle :laughga: ?

This post just made my life! Laughing so hard right now

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Dude, I love what you did with the stage, costumes and props.

And , yeah, I admit, I laughed. It's strange hearing a guy singing Gaga's songs.

But I really enjoyed myself. I laughed, I smiled, I admired the stage.

+ I love this gif:


^That is my new "Gurl, bye"

What better way to say "kthxbye" than riding off on a Gagacycle :laughga: ?


Haha. I can't believe someone made GIFS, but I laughed too. Yea, it could be surprising.. but at the end of the day, I've worked so hard since 2009 to get my name out there... and now, ITS OUT THERE. Hate or not, people finally know who I am. That wasn't my goal in the beginning, nor now, I just worked on what I admired and said to myself, "Someday someone will look back and see all the work I've done. If it's Gaga or not, I still fulfilled the promise that: we work towards our dreams, each and everyday we chip the stone a little bit more. Even though we may not get to see what the outcome is, others will admire the statue that took a lifetime to build.

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I don't think there is any need to refute every comment, really just a waste of time  :coffee:


Start planning your next performance  :party:

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You still missed my point. Go GRAND with a budget?? Do it, like I commented back, lets see you do it. It looks like a $500 production, mhkay? And you don't know HOW much money was raised or the bills, how much everything cost, etc. So you don't know the fact. You assume. SMH  :fail:

I don't have 500 bucks to blow on recreating a concert (and why would I want to???).


And obviously you can't do grand on a budget, so just don't do it at all. I mean I've followed this thing since you accouned it and I was like "Hum, this could be interesting so I'll stick it out and see what its like" Then I watched it was it was just blah.


Not everyone is going to like it and I think most people are being nice, yeah we can ALL ****ing agree the effort was great. But it looks like crap. And the vocals aren't there. It's a sub-par adaption of a show from a mega superstar. Clearly you're going to love it, it's your baby you made it. But when something is bad, it's bad.


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I don't think there is any need to refute every comment, really just a waste of time  :coffee:


Start planning your next performance  :party:

As you can see, I only selected the BEST comments to reply to ;)

And honey.. It's already done. I got to record my first original song in a real studio, fly to LA and have a team of people film my music video, and ohh I met some pretty cool people along the way. Some may not realize this, but this helped me so muc


THE NEXT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5xlC06cweU&list=SPrEzsTxWDc0xn8Jo0WfONue4ACMgGehQh&index=1

  DONE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU3ATlpBE14

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at the end of the day, I've worked so hard since 2009 to get my name out there... and now, ITS OUT THERE. Hate or not, people finally know who I am.



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The bigger the star the bigger the target I guess  :lolgaga:

I quoted that on my twitter from GAGA ;)

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Nice job. The costumes were pretty good and the motorcycle pieces were awesome. Gaga needs to see this, she'd love it!

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Yet... I didn't have enough stage mangers. If you ever put on a show.... get at least 60 people minimum. 30 Just wasn't enough.

Yeah I guess I'm used to more traditional theater shows where there is one stage manager and maybe two assistant stage managers. 60 stage managers? I can't even imagine...

Good job on the video! It slays no matter what anyone says.

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The Fame

"Hey everyone. What is up?" during Bloody Mary.   The little motorcycle during HML kills me.



I'm impressed with the amount of work that went into this, though.



One serious suggestion though: If you are going to recreate a concert/song, you shouldn't censor so many lyrics. I didn't watch the whole thing, but during Judas you didn't even sing "Fame hooker prostitute wench..." and just continued by blurting out 'vomits her mind' with no context. Those really aren't bad words. Supposedly the word 'hell' was replaced with 'heck', too, as another member mentioned. Hell really isn't a bad word and doesn't need to be censored for those that listen to Gaga's music.

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