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RQ: Applause Acapella


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Does anybody have the Applause Acapella? I'm trying to make a remix and I need it please! :)


thank you in advance :sara:

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No, and please don't use filtered ones, they're horrible :sweat:

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Pop Art

I don't wanna seem like a Negative Nancy, but since it just came out, I doubt we'll be seeing it for a while.  :sweat:

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The official acapella won't be here soon lol


Some fan will try tho

"I have been writing LG5 since I was 13"
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I'm very curious to hear the Acapella, it sounds like there are so many vocal layers and I really would love to hear them better.


Just enjoy the whole song for now :legend:

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I was thinking about some filtered acapella :nails:
but anyway thanks for your opinions  :coffee:

it seems more likely that the instrumental leaks (well, in a few weeks at least)

you make an amazing work with acapellas tho

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I think we should wait for the Promo CD which should be sent soon to radios, so we can (hopefully) get the instrumental too, and make a great acapella!

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