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Gaga Tweets New Lyrics (8/8)


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Allison M

Can't wait to quote everyone saying how terrible these are when they hear the song and love it. :nails:

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I know, it's a little confusing.

Unless the song is saying I need your Applause/Love and can't bare to be away, I don't care what the media or critics say, I only live/perform to hear you (the fans) scream for me. I'm in control of what I do and what I do is for you? So it's all about the fans. But then it could also have the other meaning of not being able to bare being away from her lover, she lives for them and their love and she doesn't care what anyone else thinks about it.

I don't know, I'm sure in time she'll explain it all...



I would love that tbh!!!!!! <3333

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These are cute and make total sense but I don't think the GP will get it at all so she better make sure the song is insanely catchy and the chorus is easily understood. 

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Im sure if yall heard the Aura lyrics before hearing the song youd think it was a mess too, so silence.

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It may be truth. :awesome:


We haven't heard anything about dancers or choreo. 


Happy birthday! :party:

Have fun today. 


Thank you so much  :hug:

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I hate that the 19th is my first day of classes. How will I focus?! Lol


Thank God I finished with high school, and my college starts in October :)

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Katy announces Roar - Gaga tweets new photo


Roar teaser - new lyrics


Katy reveals single cover - Gaga tweets new lyrics


Interesting how this all happened just an hour after Katy.

:fail: you must forget

Gaga announces applause release date - Katy announces Roar

Gaga announces ARTPOP release date - Katy announces Prism

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