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Gaga asks to put Burqa down

Moon Pix

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As I said once before: if something's on the Internet it will always stay on the Internet. The best thing she can do is release it officially and watch as it slays all the basics. Robin Thicke who? :classy:

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As I said once before: if something's on the Internet it will always stay on the Internet. The best thing she can do is release it officially and watch as it slays all the basics. Robin Thicke who? :classy:

If it was further away from Applause I would agree but this close?  :pukey: poor Gags

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At this rate well get ARTPOP leak by the end of the month humph.


P.s Aura keeps slaying me

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MJ Holland

ib4 aura blocks applause :deadbanana:





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I feel very sorry for her, but I can't stop listening to it either. This is making me confused, sorry Gaga, I'll promise to buy everything xx 

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If Jeff didn't acknowledge the demo as real we would all think it's fake and nothing would have happened.

It's their fault too


We all knew it was real before Jeff said anything

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I really pray that Aura doesn't take away the momentum for Applause.

It's hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead.
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Part of me believes this was 'leaked' on purpose, the other part of me feels sad for Gaga. I hope APPLAUSE is good, because BURQA/AURA is amazing and it would be a shame if the first single flops.

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I really pray that Aura doesn't take away the momentum for Applause.


That's what I'm worried about! Applause was going to be the first real ARTPOP song we'd hear

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I'm feeling so sad fpr her. 

What I can't understand is why radio stations are playing the song?


It would be best to release it on iTunes - get a #1 and follow this #1 track with the next in 2 weeks (APPLAUSE)


The song leaked so there unfortunately is no going back.

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Respecting her wishes, I've been directly messaging some of the more popular tumblrs that had the link saying "Could your please delete the link for Aura (Burqa)? Gaga doesn't want it shared. Thanks :)". And a few of them have.

Just an idea (that is working, as far as 'working' goes) :)

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Respecting her wishes, I've been directly messaging some of the more popular tumblrs that had the link saying "Could your please delete the link for Aura (Burqa)? Gaga doesn't want it shared. Thanks :)". And a few of them have.

Just an idea (that is working, as far as 'working' goes) :)


that is an awesome idea. respecting Gaga's wishes! will do the same....


in research mode...

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