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Rough, early cut of "Aura" leaks (LYRICS IN OP)


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Musically this demo is much more thoughtful and more advanced than much of what she's done: the timing, the variation, the pacing is all like a face lift, and very animated as well as intuitive but what a great pop music should really be.  It doesn't have any dumbed down or watered down elements, and it is just purely created and intuitive music, which she was capable of for a long time, but wasn't at that point yet in her lineage/career.


Her knowledge of music academically is quite large, make no mistake, and I sense that in this demo as well as her talent as an overall artist.  This succeeds most pop music because what true pop music is, could have any type of instrument or sound or voice.  The succinctness, the idea, the sculpting of a theme, is all what makes this song above a pop record, and makes it, just... a song that is interesting and invigorating.


ARTPOP is her revenge record, and when you go for revenge, you lose all barriers.

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First I thought it really sounds strange... loved the chorus but the rest was weird for me.

After listen to it several times it grow on me though. Now I just love it and it makes me just so buzzed and exciting about ARTPOP. I can't wait anymore! :excited:

Never be afraid to dream... believe in them!
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"OH RAH RAH RAH" It's the new Bad Romance Tbh. 

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I realllly love this. It's amazing to dance to as well....gives you so much energy!!!!


The lyrics are smart and out there too, and I love that. I so dig how the song's more about female empowerment and how s-x is something they are in control of. The burquas are their way to save their beauty for their husbands/families and let them "peak under the covers" only when they are comfortable enough.


Ah, she really hit the nail with this one. I only KNOW the final cut will be even better!!!

I know our fanbase loves it, but does anyone have a good gauge on how the GP feels about the song?


I just saw some girl on Twitter who is a major stan of Katy who ALWAYS bashes Gaga admit that it's one of Gaga's best songs and that she is in love with it.....not saying she is the gauge for the whole GP but that tells you something when someone who is usually sooo bitter admits that it's good!

i don't like the cheap trendy tricks that will make her music sound dated in a few years but this it's pretty good.


I disagree...I think the track is pretty progressive for an EDM song

Edited by heavyMetalGAGA
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I just saw some girl on Twitter who is a major stan of Katy who ALWAYS bashes Gaga admit that it's one of Gaga's best songs and that she is in love with it.....not saying she is the gauge for the whole GP but that tells you something when someone who is usually sooo bitter admits that it's good!




Awesome :excited:

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Squidward T

Of course that fat pig Perez is retweeting all the negative comments, you know he has that song on repeat :lmao:

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Maybe I'm looking into this too much, but in a way it kind of mentions the double edged sword of burqa/niqab wearing? Like, how in certain countries it is imposed upon, while in other areas it is worn by choice and is still looked down upon. It's a really powerful statement in that a woman chooses to wear and represent who they are as they want, whether it wearing or not wearing a burqa. I think?


I feel like i also kind of attacks profiling/stigmas with that 'gun/riot' line, but I'm more sure on the feminist aspect than that, lol.

3 points in and ready for more
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This is a demo and it's already so good!  :excited2: I sure hope she won't take it off the album now after it leaked. 

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