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Billboard to address ARTPOP sales today


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Bill Werde â€@bwerde 14m

. @*********** @PutYourPawsDown ill be back on twitter in prob an hour to correct misinfo out there re Gaga album, what will count &!why.


Bill Werde â€@bwerde 59min

Yes. We count all major/credible retailers RT @DerrickGaga97: @bwerde If I buy songs from google play do they count for billboard?

Bill Werde â€@bwerde 1h

They do as a rule, digitally RT @RayOfGlory: @bwerde will preorders count on the 1st weeks sales?


Bill Werde â€@bwerde 1h

One downloaded song via the @ladygaga #ARTPOP app will no more count as an album on our charts than it would if bought at iTunes.


Bill Werde â€@bwerde 35min

Hoping @perezhilton will spread some of my accurate info re Billboard/Gaga since his RT of irresponsible Tumblr made me set record straight.


Bill Werde â€@bwerde 41min

The @ladygaga v @katyperry storyline is fun for media. But in reality it's just the 4th quarter, when most huge albums drop.


Bill Werde â€@bwerde 40min

If I had to guess, Gaga will outsell Perry for albums. Singles will depend on quality/radio friendliness. High hopes for both pop talents.

Bill Werde â€@bwerde 1h

Yes RT @PeterTheMonster: @bwerde but in-app purchase of the WHOLE album will count, right?


Bill Werde â€@bwerde 1h

@suxxxtain I don't think Gaga will have any trouble maintaining attention from the public.

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Evan Peters

I'll catch the Attention-Seeking Syndrome if I click on that link tho :ohno:

emma roberts is an abuser
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Am I the only one that doesn't care if she cheats? I want to see her #1 for a year one day, legally or not. LOL
No, but seriously, I think that guy from PDLM is exaggerating stuff and making up theories just to bash her, I'm sure the sales numbers will be totally legit.

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