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ARTPOP Application Discussion Topic


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im really hoping theres a strong visual aspect to the way the app is set up. i dont wanna compare gaga to bjork constantly, but her app was centered around a galaxy in which each song was its own constellation, and each game for the songs had these cool visuals that could help you write music or keep bacteria off of a virus cell, and all this high tech stuff. i dont want the app to just be files and a database without a strong visual navigational aspect. 


lm.com does mention "the auras" and "our big bang" and "electronic fury and rage" so hopefully there is something very visual about it. 

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She told it would be avaliable on google play store also :) please, add this on plantaforms besides iPhone and iPad

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I'm so excited for this! I think the app will come with the purchase of the album, but the app is free in itself.  You just have to activate it or something.  I have never heard of pre-ordering an app so I don't think that will be happening on Sep 1st like some have hinted at.

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I have Windows PC and Android smartphone, I hope I'll be able to use it on both... I refuse to buy Apple products, not even for Gaga!  :crossed:

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  On 7/15/2013 at 9:58 PM, Joaco95 said:
Where's Android on that list?


smartphone honey

  On 7/15/2013 at 9:14 PM, Little J said:
She told it would be avaliable on google play store also :) please, add this on plantaforms besides iPhone and iPad


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  On 7/15/2013 at 6:33 PM, Doogi said:
We definitely need more information about this app and how the purchasing and preordering is going to work and everything.

just post it in here and all information will be stored in the OP

  On 7/15/2013 at 6:38 PM, HoleyFoolDanol said:
I wonder if there will be more music and surprises on the app than what there will be with the album?

definitely. read my appendix, she says extra music

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  On 7/15/2013 at 11:13 PM, SMILE2NE1 said:

smartphone honey



Gagapedia has it listed in the ARTPOP album page, but I can't find it elsewhere. I feel like Android was confirmed as well.

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  On 7/15/2013 at 11:13 PM, SMILE2NE1 said:

smartphone honey



Read that post on LM.COM again where she says the app will be avaliable in every plataform possible

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One thing that I've been wondering about recently: When the ARTPOP Era ends and we move on to the waiting period for the 5th album, what will happen to the app? Will they "close" it, create a "finale" to it, or simply it will stop being updated?



Fun Fact: The K in KPop stands for "Kate Bush"
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  On 7/15/2013 at 11:49 PM, PopReaper said:

One thing that I've been wondering about recently: When the ARTPOP Era ends and we move on to the waiting period for the 5th album, what will happen to the app? Will they "close" it, create a "finale" to it, or simply it will stop being updated?



She'll forget it ever existed and never talk about it again :derpga:

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