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The news had time to settle in now and I'm still completely amazed by how big she is. She thinks so huge, it's beyond understandment. She's not being artsy crafty with some concepts that would still work and content most people, she's so far beyond it's outstanding. Bringing every rule-breaking artist from many different fields to the pop scene, making "art drive pop", it's genius.

I truly believe if people had art to obssess over and think about, they would be way happier. I know my life changed once I started diving into art, especially modern art. My vision/perception of the world opened up in a huge way and I really hope that's what ARTPOP will do. I think it has the potential to teach things way beyond what people might expect.


She's truly making a groundbreaking body of work that might be the most relevant pop performance/experience/music there ever was. It truly feels beyond anything that has ever been done.


Now I'm just dying to hear how that will translate into music. I wonder in what way the songs will be inspired by the fields of her contributors, as she puts it.

Sex dreams could be about Marina's performance art: "We could be caught, we're both convicted criminals of thought". There's that danger that Marina brings upon herself, as well as her incredible limitless spirit and the s-xual undercurrent of her work.


The "I'm an ARTPOPist, I assign ART to things that are popular. I place new meaning on that which already exist." could very easily be about Jeff Koons.

And there's definitely one song about dance, when you think about her research picture on her dressing room mirror...

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Brooklyn Nights
  On 7/12/2013 at 8:53 PM, Mickey Angelo said:

I remember when MDNA came out, it was supposed to be a Monday release but when I went to Meijer to buy it, they said they won't have it until Tuesday. Will ARTPOP be coming out to stores on Monday or Tuesday? Because I want a physical copy

People that sell in stores are weird I went to pick up my Born This Way CD the day it came out but they said they couldn't sell it yet. i even showed them the release date. happened at 3 stores i went to. :/ I never am able to get an album the day it comes out unless the store is heavily advertising it.

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  On 7/12/2013 at 11:00 PM, RyanToomey said:

People that sell in stores are weird I went to pick up my Born This Way CD the day it came out but they said they couldn't sell it yet. i even showed them the release date. happened at 3 stores i went to. :/ I never am able to get an album the day it comes out unless the store is heavily advertising it.

Pre-Order. Problem solved.

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Has anyone a--lyzed the Jetsons, spacey outfit Gaga wore as well as the promo shot together?



If this first official promo photo is the way we expect to see gaga this era- a naked, stripped down beautiful human/alien hybrid stuck in a clinical, cold, space age howard hughes room, dictating how she rules the world....it will be completely revolutionary. kind of a throwback to bad romance video.


I feel like she will take many visual concepts from the late 60's and early 70s in this era especially when America had an obsession with NASA and going into the moon...

given the Warhol (very prominent in the 60s and 70s) references during her perfume launch last fall, the bellbottom pantsuits she wore to her sister's birthday and to Pride,  her "coming to earth" speech at the BTWB saying how 2013 will be the best year ever, the story of G.O.A.T...the "Big Bang" references in the press release....


Imagine a Penelope Tree photshoot from Vogue from 1968- Penelope's huge eyes and eyelashes, her alien body standing in front of a stark white background. 


I feel like the promo picture belongs in some cheesy, spaceship B-side soft **** 1960's sci-fi movie, especially with the big Farrah Fawcett/Brigitte Bardot hair, the ski mask like some sort of Darth Vader astronaut shield used in the control room of a space ship...


and lets not forget the gogo-dancing 1960's Jetson outfit she wore to the party last night. I feel like BTW visuals had this very obvious outer space, 80s goth alien look to it, with the horns and latex, but I feel like ARTPOP is the marriage between human beauty aesthetics from the past and aliens (reality/fantasy=hybrid. ) given gaga's natural look but very prominent face shield in a very synthetic, antiseptic way.


yes, gaga has always referenced aliens and cold environments since the bad romance video, btw video, etc...but I feel like she reinvents the alien concept in every era. 


Imagine a picture of warhol and his friends partying in 1972 at studio 54, but in outer space.


I am too excited to properly formulate sentences right now and I am sorry if any of my thoughts sound incoherent, just some thoughts I liked to share on the visual aspect of the new era.



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Monsters :excited2: Look at this Tweets:

Steph â€@StephzillaNJ 3h
Inb4 PwhoHilton posts an illegal DL link to ARTPOP when it comes out to "sabotage" Gaga's first week sales

Steph â€@StephzillaNJ 2h
@Arturo52311 you better believe I'm preordering!




WE NEED TO PRE-ORDER 9/1 :excited2: :excited2:

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  On 7/12/2013 at 11:22 PM, pabloagus said:

Monsters :excited2: Look at this Tweets:

Steph â€@StephzillaNJ 3h

Inb4 PwhoHilton posts an illegal DL link to ARTPOP when it comes out to "sabotage" Gaga's first week sales

Steph â€@StephzillaNJ 2h

@Arturo52311 you better believe I'm preordering!





WE NEED PRE-ORDER 9/1 :excited2: :excited2:



it means?

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  On 7/12/2013 at 11:31 PM, champagnepadro said:

it means?


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She's gonna get A LOT of pre-order sales for MAJOR Week 1 sales.

She has 2+ months to get as many pre-orders as she can, all counting toward Week 1 sales. Imagine if she cracks 1,500,000 for first week!  :excited2:


But that also means a huge % decrease for Week 2. Whatever, she'll still be #1 for awhile on Billboard 200.

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  On 7/12/2013 at 11:34 PM, gagabro said:

She's gonna get A LOT of pre-order sales for MAJOR Week 1 sales.

She has 2+ months to get as many pre-orders as she can, all counting toward Week 1 sales. Imagine if she cracks 1,500,000 for first week!  :excited2:


But that also means a huge % decrease for Week 2. Whatever, she'll still be #1 for awhile on Billboard 200.


What is better Steve? :excited2: pre-order right?

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Mary Sabola

first single to be called "popbody" Ã¢â‚¬ËœEverybody needs somebody. I’m somebody. Need your body.

Everybody needs to be happy. I’m somebody. Need to be happy.’

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I really wouldn't be surprised if the documentary has been scrapped...

As much as I'd love to see it, but yeah wouldn't get my hopes up!


Anyway, I wonder when she'll announce tracklists, first single release date, if there's gonna be a special edition etc  :excited2:

And I wonder if we'll get any gagavisions?!?!?!

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