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Gaga will launch ARTPOP in London’s Roundhouse


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As we have "spoiler" and "nsfw", we should have a tag for The Sun for all of these rumors :laughga:

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this doesnt mean no vmas. ???  theyre not even in the same month. they said it would be her first proper GIG. a gig is a set, multiple songs. the vmas would be just one performance. 

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Lux Zappa

WHAT AN EPIC IDEA!!! <3 My KRSNA, she is epic at this musical chess game. 


Ahem... Details needed, my lovely British Monster Family <3

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high heeled fem





it would make up for her not doing a uk tour last time and playing that horrible football venue that was way to bigg :sick:

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itunes festival? for the queen of pop to return? :rofl::dies: :toofloppy:

This kitten over here (meow)
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That's a little pricey for a small promo show.

Heck I wouldn't put it past her to invest so much so she can literally dance floating in air with different colored lights flashing under her feet with every step she takes while her fiber optic wig is flowing around flawless and what not.

She DID say ARTPOP was the future of music, right? Or did I just think it.... Hmmmmm.... #ARTPOP2013

Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen
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Princess Die

Wait for it...wait for it...



Nod if you wanna make love with the enemy. ❤
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