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RUMOR: Gaga already interviewed for September "Rolling Stone"


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Why is everybody saying hopefully? Either way, we won't read it until September...

I'm also going into journalism, and it's very possible that they already did the interview but not necessary.

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Thank you for not dying of thirst. There is no way SOMEBODY in her circle ever OCCASIONALLY AT LEAST refer to her by her real name come awn yall..

The amount of posts on here about how her family and friends strictly call her Gaga are so delusional

like, really? I know she says that, but we've also seen her in sneakers and tshirts and without makeup, something she swore we wouldn't ever see.


I know for a fact Gaga was in New York all this week and last weekend, but maybe it was before that.

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What I'm not getting this...


I was being sarcastic, when I said "reeeead" I meant if you can't tell I'm being sarcastic, then maybe you should take off your "sunglasses" (read it again) sorry to confuse you!



Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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I think I remember that in an interview, she said that her mom called her by her real name, but called her Gaga if she was annoyed/upset/angry at her.

I don't remember how long ago that was though..


Actually its the other way around....TQeVLk3.gif

Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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:lmao: Oh my god...



well i had to educate them sis 

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Ursula Buffay

IMPOSSIBLE, she knows that once interviewed the information is going to leak. So UNLESS there's nothing regarding ARTPOP on that September issue :ohwell:

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:lmao: Oh my god...


I was debating confirming what he'd said but didn't know if you'd be okay with it. :smh:


But yeah, y'all. Stop being butthurt over the name they used, because people who are close to her DO refer to her as "Stef." :tea:

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I just did some quick Googling and Rolling Stone magazine has multiple contributors with the name Tony and one with the name Toby, none of which have done an article on Gaga. That's not to say that they couldn't know each other from somewhere else but it certainly wouldn't be from past articles or interviews.


I'll keep digging and post back if I find anything else. At least we know that someone with the name you heard has written for them so that's a start!  :dies:

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u can stop being sassy or i'll unfollow you on Instagram



Sometimes I call you Mast or sometimes I call you cumbucket, it changes. I bet Cynthia wouldn't be like "Gaga the cat's dead"



I just laughed so hard it threw me into a coughing fit (I'm sick) and now I can't stop and I'm dying THANKS TO YOU.



But no, really. One of them called her Stef, right in front of my face. But he also called her Gaga a few times - whether or not that was for my and my friends' benefit, I do not know.  But he definitely called her Stef at least once. 

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I was debating confirming what he'd said but didn't know if you'd be okay with it. :smh:


But yeah, y'all. Stop being butthurt over the name they used, because people who are close to her DO refer to her as "Stef." :tea:

I made sure I posted it when she was drunk so she was too happy to yell at me

I won't die, but I can't live without you
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You callin' Gaga a liar? Gaga has NEVER lied to us! We should trust every word that comes out of her mouth!  krFiINE.gif

I hope you're drunk or high

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