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Artist Linder Sterling discusses wearing a Meat Dress in the 80s

Jack Torrance

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At this point I'm so over with all the nobodies seeking for attention and the old bags getting up from their coffins to  say Gaga copied them. Just cause it worked for Madonna doesn't mean it'll work for all of you. It's not even funny anymore...

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Gaga made it seem a bit more classy & sophisticated. Meanwhile, you 12 inch black dildo was raunchy and tacky.



Ditto, Sharpay :)

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Why do all these artists think Gaga knows every single fashion movement in history? I bet loads of other folk have worn meat dresses/outfits. The previous generation seems to be bitter towards the new generation. 

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That's her opinion and it's fine, she has an interesting way of talking! The journalist was being annoying though, you're supposed to be impartial godammit. :crossed:

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Linder Sterling is the woman in this picture, correct?




I'm kind of disappointed that Gaga didn't give her any credit for the meat dress.

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