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Britney Spears - The Edge Of Glory (Cover Snippet)


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Hope this wasn't posted.. But Britney did a cover of The Edge Of Glory i guess lol!


tell me what you think!!

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It kinda sounds fake.

britney spears always sounds kinda fake :P

anybody knows you can conjure anything by the dark of the moon
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ughhh thankgod its fake

Not even Britney sounds this bad, not even Ke$ha, NOT EVEN ME!!!

If its someone trying to sound like Britney than that explains it lol

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How could anyone ever think this was Britney? I mean Britney can't sing very well but she isn't THAT awful :derpga:

And the picture LOL

fragment-fragment--bul-uh...scab-uh..fragment-foot, bullet fragment foot bich!
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