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Hidden Frame in BTWB Stage Being Built


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Even if it was a bug that caused the frame to appear where it did, that still doesn't explain how the frame ended up in the project to begin with. Like Drew said above, there are still other suspicious aspects of that frame that aren't explained by a bug such as the copious amounts of editing done to the frame to make it impossible to recover any real detail.


I also find it very difficult to believe that the video wasn't proofed for errors such as these prior to publishing it. The frame is not difficult to spot and if it were not intentional, the video wouldn't have gone up with the frame in it.

this :yes:

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this kind of 'mysterious', 'subliminal' type stuff was only semi exciting in 2005 after that it just gets annoying to the point where you want it to not exist at all

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So already 54 pages! Very ambitious tbh :laughga:


Maybe she wants this thread to reach 304 pages before she reveals the meaning of the frame/announce release dates #POSSIBILITIES


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Blue Dream

Okay guys, hear me out. This is really important.


So I'm currently working on a video project for one of my classes. I'm working in Final Cut. When we went to publish the video, it came out wacky - and randomly, out of nowhere, an image used later in the video appeared in the middle of the opening video clip for 20 frames. When I saw that, I was in complete shock - because this is virtually the same thing that happened here.


When I went to google it, apparently the "Final Cut random flicker" is a problem that a lot of people have. And I still have no idea how it happened.


This image being placed into the time lapse video may not have been intentional at all, and may have just been a random technical error that no one saw before publishing.


You're also some random student and not a professional videographer/editor. Plus, it was in 20 frames, not a single one which lasted 1/29th of a second. Plus, your image wasn't purposefully and thoughtfully distorted. Plus, you noticed the mistake and fixed it (which Gaga's team would have had it been a mistake). Stahp.

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I leave for two days and this mess is made? :messga:





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fashion monster

Maybe it's connected with the secret Klein's project...

And I don't know why but I think it's Gaga + Madonna... :shutup:

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Mama Ru

Ok. It's been like a day. Have you guys solved it yet?  :nails: I need answers!


Also, while you're at it:


-What really happened to Mulder's sister?

-Who killed JFK?

-What happened in Roswell?

-How were the pyramids built?

-Is this a bug bite or a zit?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Jarraxe
Im blonde, I'm skinny, I'm rich, and I'm a little bit of a bitch.
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No it's not.



Well , um it clearly is something, I mean they didnt just edit in a frame for no reason...

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