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RQ: Robo voice filter in Blood Mary?

Number Five

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Number Five

Since we have the instrumental for Bloody Mary finally, is anyone able to filter out that robo vice in the verses so that's the only thing you can hear? I've been wanting it for sooooo long. 

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You're talking about the "Ooah-uhyeah" voice, correct? I just ran it through the vocal remover in Audacity and it seemed to separate from the rest of it pretty well. Obviously, this is a very amateur way of doing it, but hopefully this will work until someone else comes along with much greater skills than I and does it the right way.

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Number Five

You're talking about the "Ooah-uhyeah" voice, correct? I just ran it through the vocal remover in Audacity and it seemed to separate from the rest of it pretty well. Obviously, this is a very amateur way of doing it, but hopefully this will work until someone else comes along with much greater skills than I and does it the right way.


yeah that voice. i'll have to try that out. thanks for the tip. yeah hopefully someone really skilled can do it perfectly. 



You mean something like this just without the synthesizer stem?


yep that's exactly it! without the synthesizer. 

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