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Did they edit her body in the Abracadabra video??


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so, as any other little monster, I have watched the Abracadabra video at least 100 times by now, if not more. And I noticed that on the scream part, when the shot is closing in on her (3:58-4:02), you can see a wonky twisty effect in her abdomen area. I don't understand what this is because you can't really spot this anywhere else on the video and besides she has been very slim this whole era so I can't really think of a reason as to why that would happen.



tell me what you see/think. thanks!

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Cameltoe Chariot

There's definitely a glitch/effect there, but there's no way it was to "slim her down" - if that were the case there would be no reason to filter the front of a corset lol.

It might've been a botched attempt to air brush out a rip in the costume, a stain, or something else like that.

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9 minutes ago, TwistedTeeth said:

It's the devil trying to escape :stupidoreo:

It's actually the beast inside... Keep your facts checked

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1 minute ago, elegidadedios said:

It's actually the beast inside... Keep your facts checked

Oh my finna's been gagged I see :traumatica:

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That's just her belly? She is bending forward in a corset, so it's pressing her belly down and out from under it a bit. 

Edited by Schwerk
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4 minutes ago, Schwerk said:

That's just her belly? She is bending forward in a corset, so it's pressing her belly down and out from under it a bit. 

no I get what you're all saying, I'm not saying she was slimmed down or that she even needed to be slimmed down but there's definitely a warpy effect going on. IDK it just happens for 2 seconds and then it looks like it's immediately removed. IDK maybe I've watched the video too many times and I'm hyperfocusing.

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You mean the way her belly moves up and down? That's just her contracting/releasing her belly, probably catching her breath or something.

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I see what you mean. Looks like they tried to airbrush/straighten that part to cancel out the folds

17 minutes ago, Oriane said:

You mean the way her belly moves up and down? That's just her contracting/releasing her belly, probably catching her breath or something.

During a scream? Lol, try screaming while catching your breath/contracting your belly. It makes the scream sound very shaky.


Like I said above, they probable did edit sth out

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9 minutes ago, MaybeKermit said:

It makes the scream sound very shaky.

Ok but the scream was pre-recorded for sure I mean I-

Edited by elegidadedios
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Is the fabric, her outfit has lace material on the abdominal area which gives an effect when you see it on video… :abra:

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