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Next acting role?


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Hold up. I've got it.

The Hunger games. Someone in the capital. A cameo, kind of.

Scream 7. Give her the drew role. Open up the movie and get disemboweled.

The Goonies 2. It's in early pre-production, but give her some role where she is like.. a side part.

Frozen 3. She is a rival evil queen who sings in unison with Elsa, but better.

Failing that, put her in a movie like Centigrade, 127 hours or cast away. It's a power move, she's solo after the first 20 minutes. It's gritty. I can see it now. She's staff on a cruise ship. Pregnant but only recently. The ship ends up sinking but she's knocked out during escape and rescue. When she wakes, the ship is fully submerged & she has to find a way out. She uses empty catering oil barrels to float to the surface. Toil. Makes her way to an island. Her priority is the unborn. She discovers another survivor who is nearly dead and spends days trying to nurse him to health. She comforts him but explains they may starve to death, but she won't let that happen. "Get some rest". Gaga approaches him in the night and beats his head in with a coconut regretfully. He is the only source of protein on the island and was going to die anyway. A mercy killing and a meal.

She eats him. She is sad. Soon, she is rescued & eventually has the baby. The end.

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I can see Gaga doing The Nanny (Fran Drescher) on Broadway, or a reboot, Fran's daughter, it would be hilarious!!! 

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So we had horror with the countess, romantic ASIB, tragic and cold HOG, obsessive and complex FAD……

I would actually love something would either something strong, leader / inspiration….. or something the opposite like vulnerable yet a survivor…. I’d love something in more of a historic setting 


Ive always said I’d LOVE to see her in Phantom of the Opera on stage, either as Christine OR as a controversial move as the first ever female Phantom, reimagining the role as a more creepy mother/sister relationship between Christine/Phantom….. OR in a reinvention of the Sound of Music as Maria -  we KNOW she would more than excel at that…… 

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Guillaume Hamon
2 hours ago, GerMonsterNotta said:

we had horror with the countess, romantic ASIB, tragic and cold HOG, obsessive and complex FAD……

I would actually love something would either something strong, leader / inspiration….. or something the opposite like vulnerable yet a survivor…. I’d love something in more of a historic setting 


2 hours ago, GerMonsterNotta said:

Ive always said I’d LOVE to see her in Phantom of the Opera on stage, either as Christine OR as a controversial move as the first ever female Phantom, reimagining the role as a more creepy mother/sister relationship between Christine/Phantom….. OR in a reinvention of the Sound of Music as Maria -  we KNOW she would more than excel at that…… 

As much as I love it...

I kinda fear she gonna be pigeonholed into musical movies after getting her Break with ASIB and now being associated with joker musical sequel...

I kinda wish she'll get her full on actress moment without any singing for the GP wowing then go redo these great musicals indeed but directly on Broadway and get her Tony.

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Guillaume Hamon
5 hours ago, SevenWonder said:

When her character DELIVERS in that audition? Best acting I've ever seen. Blew me away. 


And what's the best way to show acting chops if not to perfectly go in and out of multiple characters in front of the camera multiple times in one movie?

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A non musical film for sure. The Tarantino rumors were interesting, I think she'd be a good fit there

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Since she'll be focusing on starting a family, I don't expect a big role in the near future.

I would love for her to play a supporting role in a more indy, preferably female directed film. A sister of the lead character or something along those lines. And something with actual good dialogue, which I feel ASIB and Joker lacked.

Would also love to see her work with director Halina Reijn, she Dutch, very down to earth and fearless. I think her and Gaga could be a great pairing. 

According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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7 hours ago, Guillaume Hamon said:

That can be the ultimate role to show your acting skills actually.

Like Naomi Watts in Mulohand drive when she goes to Hollywood and nails her audition.

Jesus no pressure ah:huntyga:

Thats a certified Classic and Naomi Watts Is Amazing. God only knows why She disappeared from the mainstream these years


Im here for Gaga to star in a movie and its almost all focused on her character

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7 minutes ago, Schwerk said:

Since she'll be focusing on starting a family, I don't expect a big role in the near future.

I would love for her to play a supporting role in a more indy, preferably female directed film. A sister of the lead character or something along those lines. And something with actual good dialogue, which I feel ASIB and Joker lacked.

Would also love to see her work with director Halina Reijn, she Dutch, very down to earth and fearless. I think her and Gaga could be a great pairing. 

I havent seen joker, but till now gagas screen time have so Little dialogue. It would be cool tò see her in a normal speaking setting. I Just want that honestly

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I think taking some time out of music would allow her this chance, so I'd love to see her expand her portfolio. While I'm not against her doing non-Oscar bait roles, I don't want to see her do low brow comedy. These types of films can significantly hinder an actor's chances of being taken seriously. There's a reason why actors who are known for these roles never get nominated. Romcom queens like Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Meg Ryan, Jennifer Lopez, etc. have never even been considered for Oscars. I also don't want her to go too far down the indie direction as that would be unlikely to even get noticed. She's too famous to do an indie movie anyway, those directors prefer to cast small names or complete unknowns, not internationally successful popstars. The whole point of an indie film is to give a chance to unknown actors and give them a big break. And I wince a lot at horror and would struggle to see such a film if it had gore and that stuff is so niche anyway.

I would ideally like to see her in an original, stand-alone film. ASIB being a remake is where she struck gold but that's unlikely to happen again, HoG was based on a real person so that's dependent on how well people think you portrayed that person and sequels, well, let's not even go there. And as much as we love her to sing and contribute to the soundtrack, no singing roles in the distant future. When full-time singers play a singer in a movie, they usually only have one big hit and that was ASIB. JFAD proved that lightning doesn't strike twice, at least not so close together. She needs to show her acting chops and nothing else. And I want her to play a sympathetic hero, no villains. Playing a villain has been very hit and miss with her and usually, voting academies don't warm to villain roles as they're not sympathetic. To see her play a vulnerable role would be amazing, we saw her do that well with her crying scenes in ASIB. I've said it before and I'll say it again: the role of an abused wife/single mother is such a great vehicle for Oscar success. Hollywood just loves to see women suffer. *eyeroll* We love her in powerful roles but sometimes, you have to play the game a bit for Oscar glory. The voting bodies responded best to her when she was a sweet girl next door in ASIB. That's the trope that everyone just gets.

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I would say to put it on hold. But I guess like others have said, something different and refreshing.. 

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