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So is MAYHEM her magnum opus?


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I haven’t heard it yet, but I’m curious what those who have heard it think? :abra:I know expectations are/were high for this record with many fans thinking this could be her magnum opus. :enigma: 

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I think for all Gaga albums only time can tell how remarkable they will be but this one is for sure one of her best body of work. 

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Mirrion Rizzons

My two cents;

YES in my opinion - However, BTW still has her 'best songs' if you know what I mean? 

I think what makes Mayhem so great based on my initial thoughts is that bar like two songs (HBDUWM and Killah - although killah is still fun) theres no filler/skips 

BTW has skips for me like hair, the deluxe tracks, bad kids, highway etc

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Mmm Magnus opus is a lot. I think Born This Way is, and will remain so because at that point she achieved a level of excellence and set a personal standard that is very difficult to surpass. Also, she finished defining a sound and a personal identity as an artist, and what came after were more metamorphoses and experimentations, which at one point can't quite compare to what she did previously. That said, I think that in terms of music, in terms of musical production, Mayhem is her best album. This is not to say that it is my personal favorite. It is an interesting addition to her catalog as an artist; again, different from what was expected and what everything seemed to indicate it would be.

Edited by rinasawachanta
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This is her best album in my opinion. The melodies, vocals, and production are so beautiful and addicting. Each song has a unique vibe, but they all work together incredibly well. The melodies and lyrics omg I can't get over how good they are. Proud Emma Stone GIF

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No, Born This Way is.

If the album was like Abracadabra throughout then maybe. But Born This Way was much more experimental and unique, especially for its time.

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second to born this way.. yeah.. i actually think it is? 

it could be equal to born this way if it had as much songs

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I'm still listening but I think it best encapsulates the LADY GAGA sound. She's 80s, she's theatre, she's electronic, she's campy, she's hard, she's soft, she's Lady, she's Gaga! 

Tiktok: owenbybush
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can the people obsessed with AP act 2 be as insistant on hearing all 50 of the songs for this album instead? 

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soz to double post but i feel like born this way is the magnum opus of early Gaga and this is her current and biblically accurate magnum opus of the now?

this album is accurate to the legend she has become now and BTW was accurate to where she came from

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Honestly… yes. It synthesizes everything she has learned over her previous works. It’s the first album with lyrics that are well written and actually seem to lack the cringe factor that can sometimes be present in her work.  It combines all of her genres and skill sets. I think it’s fantastic. 

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Not sure about it being deserved that title, still need time to digest.

But one thing's for sure: I really do feel she poured her heart in this album, which is very well artistically crafted, and the music speaks itself. Even if some songs there might be considered "generic-poppy-basic" for some of fans here, I regard those songs are meticulously produced and intended to be that way, which further solidified this album's theme


which is a series of gothic dreams:trollga: jkjk



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