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Katy Perry is set to go to space this Spring


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2 hours ago, Lucas said:

Yeah it crashed during a test and the people onboard died

like no joke? why were they doing fly tests with people onboard? that's insanity...

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That explain why she was at a Bezos private event some monthes ago. :hmm:

This was supposed to be Gaga but anyway... She's currently smashing with her Mayhem era. :trollga:

Katy has bad luck in music, but she has money so she can do extravagant things like that I guess... It better not flop this time it would be sad. :cyanlights:

I'm here to take a break from university homeworks :/
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I hope they pack enough rations, those poor NASA astronauts have been stuck in outerspace for like 10 months now lol

could you imagine being stuck in a confined space for an indefinite amount of time with kathy? I'd launch myself from the rocket (jk).

And besides after having to watch challenger documentaries in school every year I could NEVER get on one.:saladga:

DJ Hit the lightsss
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I wouldn't trust my life on a billionaire with God complex :enigma: if even Nasa can mess up, I don't see why katy would trust her life on Bezos. This almost reminds me of that sub that imploded going to titanic.

Pure hubris.

The melody that you choose can rescue you
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Would that require some training, like astronauts?

The only TAG member who can read
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2 hours ago, Jill said:

Yes. Unfortunately Gaga was in it too so it really was a disaster :(

Isn't that how she broke her hip, in the spaceship crash?

My old cat is a tough man, but i cant deny the way he bites my hand and he stabs me, he grabs me by my heart <3
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3 hours ago, Jill said:

Yes. Unfortunately Gaga was in it too so it really was a disaster :(

i thought gaga had an album in 2016?

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Imagine if she performs or something.

Like, Katy having the accolade of being the first singer to perform in space. KATY PERRY. 

In my messy era.
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2 minutes ago, SlaeUrAnus said:

Imagine if she performs or something.

Like, Katy having the accolade of being the first singer to perform in space. KATY PERRY. 

She would definitely do that.

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she flopped so hard with humans that she has to go to space for validation from aliens :enigma:


But srsly Ms Perry, after reading some post in this thread, I hope this space thing goes well :kry:

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Omg, Katy going to space so everyone on the ship can stream Womans World once so she gets 6 streams, and finally getting a Spotify #1 again. Only for it to drop out the top 100 the day after. 

Or imagine the people in the ISS outstreaming her:ladyhaha:

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So that’s why she was in so many trips and events with bezos :zilla: I’d say that they had really weird s*x parties and cults too :laughga:

Oh I miss you witness Katy so bad, I miss pop star’s counterculture eras after it’s over they go back to their usual millionaire lives with their billionaire friends :ladyhaha:


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Remember when Katy was shading Gaga with that comment about "that's like saying you're gonna go to space" and then gave the camera a knowing look? This was around the time Gaga was announced to be going to space, which ended up not happening. Funny how the tables turn. I'm actually kinda glad Gaga didn't go on this flight. I think people are wary of this ever since the 1986 Challenger disaster. You'd think Bezos must feel very confident if he's putting his fiancee on board, but are these things ever truly safe? I just don't if it's wise to have a crew that aren't qualified astronauts. 

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7 hours ago, Lucas said:

Yeah it crashed during a test and the people onboard died

Tried to get some info on this and the automatic AI result on Google had this to say. It's so fúcking cooked...


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