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Translate MAYHEM Tracklist in your language!


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Did someone call for Greeks? Cause I’ve been summoned! 🇬🇷

01 Disease - Ασθένεια or Αρρώστια 

02 Abracadabra - Άμπρα Καντάμπρα 

03 Garden of Eden - Κήπος της Εδέμ 

04 Perfect Celebrity - Τέλεια Διασημότητα 

05 Vanish Into You - Εξαφανίζομαι Μέσα Σου

06 Killah - Δολοφόνος 

07 Zombieboy - Αγόρι Ζόμπι

08 LoveDrug - Ναρκωτικό του Έρωτα

09 How Bad Do U Want Me - Πόσο Πολύ Με Θες;

10 Don’t Call Tonight - Μην Καλέσεις Απόψε

11 Shadow Of A Man - Σκιά Ενός Άντρα

12 The Beast - Το Τέρας

13 Blade Of Grass - Χορταράκι

14 Die With A Smile - Surra naeratusega


Bonus Tracks

Kill For Love - Σκοτώνω Για Την Αγάπη

Can‘t Stop The High - Δεν Μπορώ Να Σταματήσω το Ανέβασμα 


Of course all those titles have been translated out of context with a personal spin. If I could have the full context, most of them would have been different (trust me, I am an English and French teacher) 

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please dont come for me I tried my hardest


01. la enfermedad
02. abracadabra
03. el jardín del edén
04. la celebridad perfecta
05. desaparecer en ti
06. asesinoh con gesaffelstein
07. el niño zombi
08. una droga del amor
09. tanto me deseas
10. no me llames esta noche
11. la bestia
12. la brizna de hierba
13. no puedo parar el subidon
14. mata por amor
15. morir con una sonrisa con bruno mars


✨ 𝓲 𝓪 𝓶 𝓼 𝓸 𝓯 𝓪 𝓫 ✨
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01. Disease - Pau necrosado 

02. Abracadabra - Abrakadabra 

03. Garden Of Eden - Matagal no cu 

04. Perfect Celebrity - Puta perfeita 

05. Vanish Into You - Gozando em você 

06. Killah - Sentada fatal 

07. Zombieboy - Pau Mole 

08. LoveDrug - Amo Loló

09. How Bad Do U Want Me - Tu quer me comer mesmo, eim? 

10. Don't Call Tonight - Liga pra tua mãe, aquela puta 

11. Shadow Of A Man - Pau tão grande que faz sombra 

12. The Beast - O Viado 

13. Blade Of Grass -  Espada de maconha 

14. Die With A Smile - Dando pra Sorrir 


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10 minutes ago, EvilBunny said:

01. Disease - Pau necrosado 

02. Abracadabra - Abrakadabra 

03. Garden Of Eden - Matagal no cu 

04. Perfect Celebrity - Puta perfeita 

05. Vanish Into You - Gozando em você 

06. Killah - Sentada fatal 

07. Zombieboy - Pau Mole 

08. LoveDrug - Amo Loló

09. How Bad Do U Want Me - Tu quer me comer mesmo, eim? 

10. Don't Call Tonight - Liga pra tua mãe, aquela puta 

11. Shadow Of A Man - Pau tão grande que faz sombra 

12. The Beast - O Viado 

13. Blade Of Grass -  Espada de maconha 

14. Die With A Smile - Dando pra Sorrir 



The melody that you choose can rescue you
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Not knowing the context of the titles kinda makes it funnier to an extent in Arabic and I'll be using my own interpretation in Egyptian dialect so here we go

01 Disease - مرض 

02 Abracadabra - آبراكادبرا 

03 Garden of Eden - جنة عدن 

04 Perfect Celebrity - السيليبرتي الكامل 

05 Vanish Into You - هاختفي فيك/أختفي فيك 

06 Killah - قاتل/قتال 

07 Zombieboy - ولد زومبي 

08 LoveDrug - حباية حب

09 How Bad Do U Want Me - عايزني/اني قد ايه 

10 Don’t Call Tonight - متكلمنيش الليلادي

11 Shadow Of A Man - ضل راجل

12 The Beast - الوحش

13 Blade Of Grass - شفرة حشيش 

14 Die With A Smile - أموت بأبتسامة 


Bonus Tracks

Kill For Love - أقتل للحب 

Can‘t Stop The High - دماغ طرش 😂 او سعادة متوقفهاش 

Edited by onionring
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2 hours ago, Arcanum said:

Kinda feels like Bulbasaur's attack name.

I think it's an idiom in English. Isn't it?

Yeah. Its like "everywhere" "behind every blade of grass" i think, unless used literally? Depends of the contenx.

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5 hours ago, elegidadedios said:

05 Vanish Into You - Desaparecer En Ti (doesn't make sense in spanish, so I would say "Transformarme En Ti" - Transform Into You or smth like that)


Vanish Into You in spanish works well as “Desvanecerme En Ti”. 

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Not a native Japanese speaker, but I've been living here for 6 years and this was a fun challenge! Boyfriend-san helped me to translate!


1. Disease - 病気 or 病 (Byouki or Yamai, both words mean illness/disease, Yamai sounds like a more severe illness than Byouki)

2. Abracadabra - アブラカダブラ (I don't think there's a comparable spell word in Japanese, so it just says, Abracadabra lol) 

3. Garden of Eden - エデンの庭 (Edan no Niwa, literally Eden's Garden)

4. Perfect Celebrity - 完璧なセレブ (Kanpeki na Serebu, literally perfect celeb - interesting to note that Japanese people more commonly use the English-sounding word, serebu, to describe celebrities)

5. Vanish Into You - あなたの中に消える (Anata no naka ni Kieru, literally disappear/vanish inside of you)

6. Killah - 殺人者 (Satsujinsha, literally means murderer :laughga:)

7. Zombieboy - ゾンビーボーイ (Zonbi boi, using English words here sounds more natural I think)

8. LoveDrug - 愛の薬 (Ai no Kusuri, literally love medicine/drug)

9. How Bad Do U Want Me - どれだけ私を求める (Dore dake Watashi wo Motomeru, literally how much do you want/need me, my boyfriend said this one sounded very lame in Japanese haha)

10. Don't Call Tonight - 今夜呼ばないで or 今夜電話しないで (Konya Yobanaide or Konya Denwashinaide, two different translations as I'm not sure if in the title, call, refers to paying a visit or calling on the phone)

11. Shadow Of A Man - 男の影 (Otoko no Kage, literally man's shadow)

12. The Beast - 野獣 (Yajyuu, literally BEAST)

13. Blade of Grass - 草の刃 (Kusa no Yaiba, literally grass blade)

14. Die with a Smile - 笑顔で死ぬ (Egao de Shinu, literally die with a smile, my boyfriend said this one also sounds lame in Japanese :derpga:)

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3 minutes ago, Anderson123 said:

Vanish Into You in spanish works well as “Desvanecerme En Ti”. 

I thought of it a while ago after I sent it! I guess I didn't click on It instantly bc in spanish it ain't that common to use that expression? Idk, but yeah, I knew I was missing something. "Desvanecerme" fits perfectly as a translation. Thanks!

Edited by elegidadedios
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1. Disease - രോഗം

2. Abracadabra - അബ്രകദാബ്ര

3. Garden of Eden - ഏദൻ തോട്ടം

4. Perfect Celebrity -  പരിപൂർണ്ണ പ്രശസ്തയി

5. Vanish Into You - നിനക്കുള്ളിലേക്ക് ലയിച്ചു പോകുക

6. Killa - കൊലയാളി

7. Zombieboy - മൃതദേഹബാലൻ

8. Love Drug - സ്നേഹ മരുന്ന്

9. How Bad Do You Want Me - നിനക്കെത്ര തീവ്രമായി എന്നെ വേണം

10. Don't Call Tonight - ഇന്ന് രാത്രി വിളിക്കരുത്

11. Shadow of a Man - ഒരു ആാളിന്റെ നിഴൽ

12. The Beast - മൃഗം 

13. Blade of Grass - കഴുതിൻപ്പട്ടം

14. Die With A Smile - പുഞ്ചിരിയോടെ മരിക്കുക

Bonus tracks 

15. Kill For Love - സ്നേഹത്തിനുവേണ്ടി കൊല്ലുക

16. Can't Stop The High - ഉല്ലാസം നിർത്താൻ കഴിയില്ല

Probably no one here knows this language 

Edited by Chromanne
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in unsimplified/traditional chinese characters (taiwan used)

MAYHEM - 混亂    
Disease - 疾病
Abracadabra - 阿布拉卡達布拉    
Garden of Eden - 伊甸園
Perfect Celebrity - 完美名人
Vanish Into You - 消失在你身旁
Killah - 殺手  
Zombieboy - 殭屍男孩   
LoveDrug - 愛情毒藥    
How Bad Do U Want Me - 你想要我多壞
Don’t Call Tonight - 今晚別呼喚
Shadow of A Man - 男人的陰影
The Beast - 野獸
Blade of Grass - 草刃
Die With A Smile - 笑著死去

Edited by TAIPEI
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12 hours ago, Chromanne said:

1. Disease - രോഗം

2. Abracadabra - അബ്രകദാബ്ര

3. Garden of Eden - ഏദൻ തോട്ടം

4. Perfect Celebrity -  പരിപൂർണ്ണ പ്രശസ്തയി

5. Vanish Into You - നിനക്കുള്ളിലേക്ക് ലയിച്ചു പോകുക

6. Killa - കൊലയാളി

7. Zombieboy - മൃതദേഹബാലൻ

8. Love Drug - സ്നേഹ മരുന്ന്

9. How Bad Do You Want Me - നിനക്കെത്ര തീവ്രമായി എന്നെ വേണം

10. Don't Call Tonight - ഇന്ന് രാത്രി വിളിക്കരുത്

11. Shadow of a Man - ഒരു ആാളിന്റെ നിഴൽ

12. The Beast - മൃഗം 

13. Blade of Grass - കഴുതിൻപ്പട്ടം

14. Die With A Smile - പുഞ്ചിരിയോടെ മരിക്കുക

Bonus tracks 

15. Kill For Love - സ്നേഹത്തിനുവേണ്ടി കൊല്ലുക

16. Can't Stop The High - ഉല്ലാസം നിർത്താൻ കഴിയില്ല

Probably no one here knows this language 

Wdym we love Malayalam

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15 hours ago, PatrickMonster said:



01. Disease - Betegség

02. Abracadabra - Abrakadabra

03. Garden Of Eden - Édenkert

04. Perfect Celebrity - Tökéletes híresség

05. Vanish Into You - Eltűnni benned

06. Killah - Gyilkos

07. Zombieboy - Zombifiú

08. LoveDrug - SzerelemDrog

09. How Bad Do U Want Me - Mennyire akarsz engem

10. Don't Call Tonight - Ne hívj ma este

11. Shadow Of A Man - Egy férfi árnyéka

12. The Beast - A fenevad

13. Blade Of Grass -  Fűszál

14. Die With A Smile - Meghalni egy mosollyal

15. Kill For Love - Ölni a szerelemért

16. Can't Stop The High - Nem tudom megállítani a mámort

megelőztél... :messga:

If you have some rad remixes you made laying around, send it to me!!
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