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Mar 12, 1:00 PM PT

Born This Way Ball CANCELLED


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Oh my god :omg:

I never thought her condition might be that serious. She must be absolutely devastated. I feel like we should do something to cheer her up, like a video or like, a giant poster made on photoshop or something featuring small messages from all of us. :fat:

I hope Gaga isn't being too hard on herself, though. It's not like any of this is her fault. Gaga being healthy is far more important than a tour.

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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:43 AM, Pyrenti said:

This isn't really funny. It's actually pretty serious since the rest of a world tour has been cancelled because of an injury. Don't joke about this please.

21 dates have been cancelled. yes, its obvious i feel sorry for those who had tickets and for her cos shes in pain but she will recover. i cant not laugh at the irony of the the applause lyric though.

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Why are people being so serious in this thread tho? We can't continue to make post after post mourning her. And no one is demanding that she be wheeled into a studio to finish the damn album. Seriously, everyone has a right to wonder what is going to happen.

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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:46 AM, mvgp said:

Problably because she the one who knows her password and she is not able to tweet now. I'm pretty sure it was her crew that posted on her facebook about the cancellation....

Well obviously it was her crew that posted that on Facebook. But Gaga normally tweets herself when announcements are made.

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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:40 AM, garnite said:

she's rich, she can have people build a studio wherever she's staying / she can always continue to compose on her laptop without needing a studio. the creation of this album is not going to be hindered by her disability unless she doesn't feel like working on it. and that is the truth of the matter.

Liza Minnelli recorded her last album from bed while she recovered from having both of her knees replaced. When you consider GaGa's work ethic I am sure she will find a way to be productive while she is recovering from surgery.

  On 2/14/2013 at 12:43 AM, Pyrenti said:

This isn't really funny. It's actually pretty serious since the rest of a world tour has been cancelled because of an injury. Don't joke about this please.

Lighten up, everyone copes with things in different ways. It's ok to make jokes.

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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:48 AM, creeves said:

Does anyone have any experience with this kind of injury? What kind of recovery period are we looking at?

3-4 months is the recommended recovery time, but every case is different.

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I just feel awful. I hope that she's physically alright, and that the surgery goes well. I feel so bad for her as well - she's probably very upset over the cancelation of the tour, and then she'll be going crazy while in recovery, wanting to be back on stage and performing. I'm disappointed that I won't be seeing her in Greensboro, but I honestly could care less about that at this point - her health and well-being is far more important. This is an all out upsetting situation, and all I can do is hope that she gets better.

We are thinking of you Gaga. Get well soon.

Edited by Preston
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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:48 AM, creeves said:

Does anyone have any experience with this kind of injury? What kind of recovery period are we looking at?

My brother had the same thing. On both side of his hips!. Different periods though. The pain is really bad, and after srugery it took him 3-6 months to recover.

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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:48 AM, creeves said:

Does anyone have any experience with this kind of injury? What kind of recovery period are we looking at?

No, but from what I've read, 4-6 months

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