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Is Abracadabra Satanic Worship?


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4 minutes ago, Ladle Ghoulash said:

You’re assuming that they are A.) symbols and B.) that they necessarily have metaphysical meaning. What reason do you have for making those assumptions?

Only because it’s all intentional. She has always been one the most detailed with intentions in her art from the beginning ( one of the reasons I love her as an artist)  

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Let's talk about which celebrity we will accuse of satanic worship and witchcraft this month! I can't believe we are seriously discussing this.

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I've yet to see an example of the symbols in question posted here next to the screenshots, which isn't helping the case. But know that it is always speculation by religious people or groups who don't have any hobbies other than spread fear and misinformation. Back during Chromatica there were many rumors like this too, and so has been her entire career. Yet no one ever provides substantial proof of it actually happening other than "it looks like it so it must be." Rumors like those shouldn't even be considered at all.

She has been accused of Satanism, of being a reptilian, MK Ultra, Freemason, Illuminati, a robot, transgender, a grey alien, shape shifter, a murderer, trafficking, etc etc etc. Not a single conspiracy about the entertainment industry has not included her ever since her rise to fame. If it exists and people think it's bad then she has been attached to it, one way or another. Yet, once again, there's no proof of any of them.

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1 minute ago, Meruk Holland said:

If you can't prove it's a satanic sigil, then you can't say it's proof of Satanic worship. It could be Pagan, Celtic, Hellenistic, Asatru, Voodoo, etc. Or it could just be an aesthetically fitting choreography unattached to any real life belief system.

Trust me, I rather it be that. I’m not trying to prove anything here. I saw the post on twitter where someone showed a side by side comparison and it got my attention. I was hoping to find another explanation for them being like alchemy or something.

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1 minute ago, RebeldeFaith said:

I've yet to see an example of the symbols in question posted here next to the screenshots, which isn't helping the case. But know that it is always speculation by religious people or groups who don't have any hobbies other than spread fear and misinformation. Back during Chromatica there were many rumors like this too, and so has been her entire career. Yet no one ever provides substantial proof of it actually happening other than "it looks like it so it must be." Rumors like those shouldn't even be considered at all.

She has been accused of Satanism, of being a reptilian, MK Ultra, Freemason, Illuminati, a robot, transgender, a grey alien, shape shifter, a murderer, trafficking, etc etc etc. Not a single conspiracy about the entertainment industry has not included her ever since her rise to fame. If it exists and people think it's bad then she has been attached to it, one way or another. Yet, once again, there's no proof of any of them.

No you don't get it Lady Gaga made a contract with the devil and if she doesn't sacrifice 100 virgin queers by the time the next month comes, her album will flop. /j

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Meruk Holland
Just now, Jay23 said:

Trust me, I rather it be that. I’m not trying to prove anything here. I saw the post on twitter where someone showed a side by side comparison and it got my attention. I was hoping to find another explanation for them being like alchemy or something.

Well, we can't refute anything a supposed tweet is claiming without seeing it, or a similarly sufficient reference. 

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2 minutes ago, chromaticamonster said:

No you don't get it Lady Gaga made a contract with the devil and if she doesn't sacrifice 100 virgin queers by the time the next month comes, her album will flop. /j

I can't be a sacrifice then. :lolly:

Can I vanish into a cheeseburger pizza?
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2 minutes ago, chromaticamonster said:

No you don't get it Lady Gaga made a contract with the devil and if she doesn't sacrifice 100 virgin queers by the time the next month comes, her album will flop. /j

Finding 100 virgin queers would be HARD :huntyga:

Paubrasilia echinata
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2 minutes ago, Meruk Holland said:

Well, we can't refute anything a supposed tweet is claiming without seeing it, or a similarly sufficient reference. 

Sorry I was looking for the post but I can’t find it now. It was a Spanish user who showed a screenshot of the video and the sigil next to it. They drew the lines out on the video screenshot to show the uncanny resemblance.  

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Oh I forgot, if you believe in god, taking it up the a*s doesn't count as losing your virginity, right? You're still pure in god's eyes

Edited by Hennycomb
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1 minute ago, Hennycomb said:

Finding 100 virgin queers would be HARD :huntyga:


1 minute ago, RebeldeFaith said:

I can't be a sacrifice then. :lolly:

Y'all are laughing now but I'll see you when Gaga starts floating while speaking latin in her next single /j

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Just now, chromaticamonster said:


Y'all are laughing now but I'll see you when Gaga starts floating while speaking latin in her next single /j

in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti amen 

Paubrasilia echinata
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What if Mayhem has a Gregorian chant in any of the songs? Ooh that would be amazing

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Meruk Holland
2 minutes ago, Jay23 said:

Sorry I was looking for the post but I can’t find it now. It was a Spanish user who showed a screenshot of the video and the sigil next to it. They drew the lines out on the video screenshot to show the uncanny resemblance.  

Then without a reference to said sigil, my answer is that I don't see anything to indicate Satanic worship, so there's nothing to disprove.

Further, even if there were evidence of Satanic worship, then it doesn't mean anything to me because I do not believe in Satanism. I am not convinced Gaga is a Satanist, but if she were, more power to her, she's free to believe whatever she wants and however she wants.

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