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So… thoughts on Abracadabra?

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FFXIV WhiteMage
On 2/5/2025 at 6:30 PM, MOT said:

Not seeing any signs of chaos or mayhem so far. Disease into Abra is cohesive, different tempos but the same hard-hitting aggressive approach.

Disease is pretty chaotic itself though, which is probably why they chose it as the first single. 

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The song is stuck in my head 20/7, the abra-abra-abra-cadaaabraaaa part won't leave my freaking brain alone :laughga:

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It is so infectious and different and dancey. It has that Gaga element that I think Disease is missing (and I looove Disease). 

I have a feeling Zombified is another song on that same level as Abracadabra (judging from that snippet we have).

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I have this theory based on cannabis that the video is about sperm, sorry

Edited by Du Da
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It's a damn, good song!  I think it's up there with Bad Romance.  :rockstar:

"Any act, if in accordance with the will, is an act of magic." - Aleister Crowley
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It’s even better than the first listen. It’s so complex with so many different parts and so catchy. The video needs no comment already, perfect.

I’m limiting how much I listen to it so I don’t get sick of it, since I have a tendency to abuse songs… Definitely a 12/10.

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On 2/6/2025 at 8:34 AM, Dona said:

It's mostly the chorus, "Abracadabra Amor-Oonana" part sounds like a funny, fake Chromatica era demo to me.

Post-chorus "Ab. Ra. Ca. Da. Bra. Abacadaaaahbraaaaah" also got on my nerves fast, it gives me AI's definition of a Gaga hit. :triggered:

The ballroom-voguing type instrumental in the verses sounds worn out to my ears, too. I thought I preferred it to Disease on first listen, now going back to it I'm like Disease is better than I remember. :ladyhaha:

Yes, I love her vocals on Disease. Alternating between sexiness and rocking out. Never get tired of it


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