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Yaaaas Gaga

Just finished my first listen and I really like it. It’s very different from what I was expecting based off Disease and Abracadabra but still really good nonetheless. I’m looking forward to having this on repeat over the weekend.

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9 minutes ago, PinkJelly said:

I’m pausing my listening for tonight at Zombieboy. Enjoying what I’m hearing so far but where are these ‘dark’ / ‘heavy’ tracks? I guess I expected a more rock / metal or even industrial influence. 

I think we all did but she warned us about how the album takes a turn on its sound :huntyga: it is there specially in Disease and Perfect Celebrity and maybe a few others (need to listen more haha)

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Mirrion Rizzons


First impressions: typing this live as I listen, so I'll probably call different songs my fav throughout:ladyhaha:

Disease - 10/10

Abracadabra - 10/10

Garden Of Eden - 9/10

9/10 - OH THIS IS C**TY, this would be so fun to scream at the club

Perfect Celebrity - 10/10

10/10 Perfect Celebrity? Perfect song:cryga: Might be my favourite over disease

Vanish Into You - 9/10

The Jumpscare beginning:bye: The catchiest chorus so far out of Garden and PC, such sad lyrics:giveup: definitely get gypsy vibes. Kinda random comparison, but the production reminds me of Panic at the disco's to weird to live to rare to die album lol

Killah - 7/10

Verses kinda remind me of hey baby by no doubt idk why - 'gonna make the curtains cream' :ladyhaha: - That scream THO

Zombieboy - 9/10

The production is CRISP - totally hear both the Gwen and Rockwell influence:firega: and love the animal reference - I also hear a bit of WOW by Kylie in the production. Definitely single material, such a carefree song from Gagz - so Happy that these songs on MAYHEM have proper bridges

General note: I'm LOVING how most songs have an instrumental outro 

Lovedrug - 9/10

Also sounds like single material :ohwell: the chorus hits hard.

How Bad Do U Want Me - 5/10

You're so gorgeous I can't see anything but your face:glamourpuss: Think this is the Free Woman/Plastic Doll of the album

Don't Call Tonight - 9/10

Oh we're so back after the dud track 9 - So Groovy:lana:THE BRIDGE, reminds me of the verses in If by Janet

Shadow Of A Man - 10/10

This would have been the perfect lead if disease didn't exist:giveup::giveup::giveup::giveup::giveup:

The Beast - 10/10

Another Jumpscare beginning it gave Greedy by Ariana:ladyhaha: but this EATS

Blade of Grass - 10/10

This is devastating and also beautiful:bradley: makes me so emotional knowing how happy she is now

Die With A Smile - 7/10

overall: 124/140 = 88% 



Favourites (bar disease and abra based on first listen)

1. Perfect Celebrity

2. Shadow of A Man

3. The Beast

4. Blade of Grass (talk about a 1-2-3 punch with SOAM, TB and this)

5. Lovedrug 

Songs that sound like they could be singles: 

- Garden of Eden

- Zombieboy

- Lovedrug

- Shadow of a Man



Summary: Best album overall? Born This Way had the greatest highs of her discography, but also many skips. This, except like two songs is basically perfection.





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11 minutes ago, SevenWonder said:

 I have a daddy thing and am in LOVE with that hot dad. If they did Gaga? I'd die (just a little inside).

I also love how much he loves Lana! He’s amazing. They did eusexua, their first twigs listen, and it’s the son’s fave release so far, so hopefully they’ll give this a go too! 

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This is the first Gaga album since ARTPOP that I liked immediately on first listen. Holy cow, this album is full of bangers. I cant I wait to experience these live omg. 

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I know this is a controversial take, but I actually love HBDYWM. 

In fact this is quickly turning into a zero skip album for me. 

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6 minutes ago, mattbri said:

It reminded me so much more of The Fame than The Fame Monster, which was a surprise!

:wtf: I'm surprised by this statement because there's only one song that sounds like it could be on The Fame and that is Zombieboy. Everything else is clearly too distinct from The Fame.

I'm looking gorgeous tonight
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Phaye Monster

I really love it! Some songs are really standouts for me like Abra, Shadow and Zombieboy! Lovedrug hits hard too, love her higher pitch in the chorus

least exciting for me so far are Don’t Call Tonight, How Bad Do U Want Me and Killah (from the first verse I was thinking it would actually be a song about Ga killing a guy who harasses her… lowkey kinda disappointed it wasn’t idk)

it wasn’t quite as darkpop or as chaotic as I was expecting but it’s still full of solid bangers. It reminds me a lot of The Fame!

I'm an ARTPOP bitch, baby
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My ranking :ally:

1. Perfect Celebrity - I love her strong vocals, perfect chorus, hard hitting beat in the chorus, obviously the outro is fire :firega:

2. Garden of Eden - This sounds like the most radio friendly song in album. Immediately my favourite, especially the hooks.

3. The Beast - This is an interesting experimental song. I like a slow horny pop ballad :enigma:

4. Die With A Smile - Well, at this point let's all agree that the claim "DWAS won't fit in MAYHEM's genre" has aged like milk. Blade of Grass smoothly into DWAS, it was the perfect ending to Mayhem as it talks about spending your final moments with your lover in an apocalyptic situation. I could relate with this because Blade of Grass is about engagement, I just read a book where one of the partner dies just after marriage so I couldn't bring my emotions when I heard DWAS just after BoG.

5. Blade of Grass - Although I love DWAS more, this song could've also been perfect ending for MAYHEM in its own right, in fact much happier ending. The lyrics are top notch.

6. Zombieboy - The Fame vibes, the verses remind me of Fancy Pants. The pre-chorus and chorus is so catchy it's stuck in mind. I melted at the synth outro.

7. Disease - I understand why this is the lead single. It's one of the strongest lead singles of Gaga that paved way to the idea of Mayhem, unlike Stupid Love and Perfect Illusion which didn't represent their respective albums. One of the best vocals and instrumentals in this albums.

8. Abracadabra - To be honest it took a few listens for me to appreciate the verses when it first released, but I eventually started to get addicted the song, especially the chorus. It was a destined hit.

9. Killah - Again, The Fame vibes, Disco Heaven come to my mind. And it's also quite experimental. I love how Gaga let Gesaffelstein cook the bridge till the outro.

10. Vanish Into You - It has an emotional lyrics, and I love the vocals. I personally don't feel it as a single material but I'd love to revisit this song.

11. Don't Call Tonight - Sad lyrics. I like the chorus and the robotic brigade the most.

12. How Bad Do U Want Me - It sounds like a Taylor Swift song. I liked it in my initial listen. This song is how Plastic Doll was supposed to be.

13. LoveDrug - I love the intro and the chorus. I liked it in my initial listen more but other songs started to get a hold on me.

14. Shadow of A Man - The best parts are the intro and the outro. Classic Michael Jackson vibes. It's my least favourite track and it took 2-3 listens to like it. 




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Really good album, nothing quite as OMFG as Abracadabra but I enjoyed nearly every song.

I did find it quite samey and generic to the point where I'll need a few listens to remember the songs separately as they all mashed together. Not necessarily a bad thing, it was easy to get into it this way.

Currently, Abracadabra and Garden of Eden are my favourites while Killah and Don't Call Tonight are my least favourites.

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Gimme More

Oh wow it’s great, one of her best!

My top 5 (not in any order)


Shadow Of A Man

Zombie Boy

Garden Of Eden

How bad do u want me

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I’ve just finished my first listen and wow it really was not what I was expecting! I think this album overall has a really positive vibe with some sweet moments. I love how it starts out more intense and dark, goes to more dance plus funky in the middle then ends really dreamy. I cannot wait to see what she’s going to do with these songs live.

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