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MAYHEM: The Official Discussion Thread (Act II) It’s MAYHEM in here 👹


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Sneaky Oliver
1 minute ago, Mr Oak said:

Does Killah have the Bowie strings from the Babylon demo? Am i tripping 

I think so, which makes me think she was probably going for the Bowie sound for Chromatica at first but they changed direction and now she went all the way with it 

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6 minutes ago, NotNightwing said:

Okay please don't cancel me, but does How bad Do U Want Me sound kinda like a T Swift song? In the same way that My Kink Is Karma does? I can't put my finger on what element it is. :oprah:

OMG YES literally was just listening to it and thought the same 

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it is a banger album, so fun , i do not see the mayhem at all, the sound is so cohesive

STANDOUT TRACKS - Abracadabra, disease, perfect celebrity , garden of eden, lovedrug, zombieboy, shadow of a man, dont call tonight

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2 minutes ago, 053Timo said:

What is everyone’s opinion and stand out track?

great album, Zombieboy and Perfect Celebrity are my favourites!

show me to me please
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2 minutes ago, dollardays said:

Everything is so 80s lmaooo 

I'm so happy, one of my favourite decades of music

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Nessun Dorma
13 minutes ago, dracomalfoy said:

the references to princess die and putting your paws up... she's not innocent :abra:

Which song references Princess Die???? I haven't listened to the album yet :bradley:

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So yeah, it’s probably her best album after BTW objectively.

Calling it Mayhem makes total sense because House > some soft rock/punk > funky > 70/80s retro > ballad with hints of FameGa.

DWAS makes sense too.

I think it’s gonna be well received by critics, she sounds very mature, comfortable in between solid production and instrumentals imo.

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I am stunned! It's NOTHING like I expected and I'm pleasantly surprised!!!

SHADOW OF A MAN!!! The absolute perfection that you are!!! :messga:

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That was a FCKING RIDE :stupidoreo: standouts/most memorable are Perfect Celebrity, Vanish Into You, Zombieboy, and Don't Call Tonight :stupidoreo:

Only song I have mixed feelings is Killah :traumatica: Gesaffelstein's signature techno sounds clashing with the old-fashioned vocals felt very conflicting :kry: The ending is interesting though!

All and all, RIP to my eardrums for the next few weeks :stupidoreo:

Edited by Mayhemica
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