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My new music video "Dressed in Red"


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I've just released a music video for my song Dressed in Red.

It took a while but I wanted to do this in a way that I had not tried before in terms of animation.

This song was written about one of the darkest times in my life, and I'm really glad that I was able to share how it felt, both musically and visually.

For those who have been following my music, I know that I haven't released anything for a while. I am really hoping to do more things this year and being able to allocate more budget into my music, as I want it to sound more professional and closer to the vision I have for it.

Thank you for watching! I would love to know your thoughts on it! :kara:

Taglist of people who expressed interest in my music before:


You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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Mother of Puppies

Uhhhh exciting! Gonna check this out once I’m home!!! 

edit: may I ask with what program you did the video & also the music? Like the instrumentals etc?

Edited by Mother of Puppies
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1 hour ago, Mother of Puppies said:

Uhhhh exciting! Gonna check this out once I’m home!!! 

edit: may I ask with what program you did the video & also the music? Like the instrumentals etc?

I did the video with After Effects, and for the instrumental I worked with a producer who did it, so I couldn't tell you which program it is!

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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Omg congratulations WTF

This sounds like a beggining credits of a thriller series

And the chorus Is a earworm. Im shocked 

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I remember this song now! The chorus is really good, you sound quite like Lana on the first line. I always thought this was one of your most darkest and beautiful works. It's ambiguous what dressing in red means for you, (lustful? murderous? depressed?) but that adds to the intriguing quality of it. I like the artistic way the lyrics were written and the imagery behind them, "dressed in red tonight to wash away the blue" is so sad and poetic. Maybe a bit of a callback to the Red & Blue EP! I really hope you pursue more of this sound in future, it suits you well. 

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33 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I remember this song now! The chorus is really good, you sound quite like Lana on the first line. I always thought this was one of your most darkest and beautiful works. It's ambiguous what dressing in red means for you, (lustful? murderous? depressed?) but that adds to the intriguing quality of it. I like the artistic way the lyrics were written and the imagery behind them, "dressed in red tonight to wash away the blue" is so sad and poetic. Maybe a bit of a callback to the Red & Blue EP! I really hope you pursue more of this sound in future, it suits you well. 

Both lustful and depressed, I wanted to make the lyrics ambiguous in that sense!

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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  • 2 weeks later...

I really enjoyed the strings, makes the song sound dangerous like the final show down in a movie :rockstar:

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Nathaniel Arven

yas, sorry i took so long to come up here :) the song is great i swear i'm gonna hum it today.

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