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DL: P*r*z H*lt*n Starf*cker - Lady Gaga 1080i


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3.17 GB MPEG-2 TS


This version of the show from Fuse lacks the problems of the previous two versions, although there's one spot where I think something might be missing (I'll have to check that). It's neither sped up nor censored.


- Video is exactly as broadcast. Audio was allegedly 5.1, but actually stereo, so I fixed that.

- To censor words, they used the trick of reversing the audio in those parts. So I was able to re-reverse those bits and uncensor the audio. :) It's not perfect, but it's pretty good -- you might not notice it if you weren't listening for it.

- I've renamed the show with a title I feel is more appropriate. :) But I want to reiterate what I've said before: Try to put aside your feelings about P*r*z when watching this, because it's honestly an awesome show.

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is this the same thing as the DVD?


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is this the same thing as the DVD?

Almost. This version is in HD! :) And not region-coded. I dunno if there are other differences.

Edit: Oh, and this version has a big Fuse logo on it. Sorry.

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