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Official RuPaul's Drag Race Season 17 Thread | Episode 8

BUtterfield 8

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 Lexi Love, Sam Star, Jewels Sparkles and Butth*le for top 4.

Yikes, too white. Ok change the Butthole for Lana and we call it a day!

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I never never never thought even for one second that the queen eliminated would have been the first one out, like I really thought she could win all this. But the dress was ugly and the mug rough lmao no need to show versatility on episode 3 sis, expecially if you were that good with the first two outfits (sponge cake was a mess tho). 

Onya was amazing in this episode. I'm sorry, but there are too much bimbos so I'm automatically attracted to the more mature queens such as Onya and Lexi.
I still think Onya should've won, Sam Star is so basic to me.

Another queen who I don't get the hype is Kori. She talks like she's the **** but she was terrible on both talent show and in this episode. And no honey, you're not the villain nor you're close to be on Plane Jane's level, absolutely. I appreciate the padding, but she's still a man in a wig to me, the mug must be fixed.

So my fave now are Onya, Lexi above all and I don't have a third name...maybe Jewels, but she needs to calm down.


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Glad that Lucky is out, her Drag gave me nothing and she had no personality. Joella is even worse aesthetic wise but she is entertaining af.

Sam Star is amazing, even more in the confessionals. Charisma overflowing!

Jewels outfit was good but i expected more.

Hormona looked amazing.

Kori King looks like a cheap Baby of RuPaul & Monet X Change but manly.

Lydia is so charming but we dont see her much yet, excited for whats to come.

Onya screams early out for me, lets see.

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I’m enjoying this season so far and I’m forever Team Kori bc I’ve followed her for years and I know she’s funny af and good at drag.

Looking through this thread I’m noticing the usual trend that happens with DRUS that the QoC get dismissed by fans in favour of boring white queens who aren’t bringing good TV nor good drag lmao

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Damn this cast can sew :omg: so many great looked so many people could’ve been in the top!

lexi already screams winner to me, shocked at the porkchop of the season :messga:

insta: good_lukeing | I have nothing else to promote
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Oh and thought Joella would be a first or second out based on promos but my GOD she’s lowkey making good tv :giggle: was not expecting that, think she’ll be around a bit longer 

insta: good_lukeing | I have nothing else to promote
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Plastic Flower

I agreed with everything tbh. I liked Lucky's energy but she was the worst and deserved to go home. 
This episode was way more entertaining.

Drop it
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Sneaky Oliver

I love this cast so much, they’re so messy and fun. I’m obsessed. I’m kinda glad Lucky is the first one to go home instead of Hormona because I know Hormona is gonna deliver personality wise. That girl is messy.

I wish Arrietty got the win because I can see Sam Star winning other challenges and as far as we know, fashion is Arrietty’s biggest strength

I was so obsessed with Lydia but she’s giving me Princess Poppy edit? Like I can totally see her going home next unfortunately 

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Phoenix Rises
8 hours ago, Sneaky Oliver said:

I love this cast so much, they’re so messy and fun. I’m obsessed. I’m kinda glad Lucky is the first one to go home instead of Hormona because I know Hormona is gonna deliver personality wise. That girl is messy.

I wish Arrietty got the win because I can see Sam Star winning other challenges and as far as we know, fashion is Arrietty’s biggest strength

I was so obsessed with Lydia but she’s giving me Princess Poppy edit? Like I can totally see her going home next unfortunately 

I think Lydia is an all star IMO . she just needs more camera time, and gosh she looks like shes 16 :cryga:  .   Lexi , Sam , Arietty and Susie give me top 4 :firega:

I cant wait for All Stars in June !

Edited by Phoenix Rises
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Very surprised to see Lucky go home first; she was in my top 4. This is Irene all over again :giveup: 

That said, she was without a doubt the worst today. She and Joella were the obvious bottom 2. I'm surprised Kori was in the bottom though. Her look wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either. She gave me more "opulence" than some of the other queens (e.g., Suzie, Acacia).

Arriety should've won imo. Out of the top 3, she had my favorite outfit. I also would've swapped out Onya for Lydia. I was shocked that she wasn't in the top. Sam's outfit was great, but I didn't like where the dress cut off. I thought it was a weird placement. 

I wasn't vibing with this season in the first two episodes, but after this one, I'm fully on board. I love how dramatic this season is. These girls aren't afraid of being shady and nasty, and I love it! Also, I fully hate Joella's drag, but she is so entertaining :ladyhaha: She's so f*cking delusional and I'm kinda living for it honestly :gayhat:

ᗰᗩYᕼEᗰ || 🦇👹🖤
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Queen Onyaaaaa omg she's slaying so much right now, I love this queen!

Episode was good and as much as I think the eliminated queen was funny, it was her time to go.

Kori King is a mess, to me she was the worst in this episode but she beat Joella in the lipsync so fair enough.


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Phoenix Rises

good episode and cory was giving one note. I hope we get  a cory/lydia lypsyc. :cryga:

spread love ,kindness & compassion 👹🖤!!!!
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Ma’am arietty didn’t deserve low :air: she did good, my eyes were glued to her during her segment as well, honestly thought lexi weren’t as good but I guess they can’t put a front runner as low already :rip: 

but this was a fun episode :ladyhaha: and the runways have been great this season! 

insta: good_lukeing | I have nothing else to promote
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