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Your top 3 songs from ARTPOP


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1. Applause 

2. Mary Jane Holland

3. Do What U Want 

My overall ranking has changed over the years, but my top 3 has always consistently been the same. All incredible tracks in my eyes, Applause was a great lead and MJH is such a ****ing vibe. I know we’ve all said and it’s reductive :ally: at this point to even mention but it’s just such a shame about DWUW. She could’ve picked anyone but him. Still, I listen to the Xtina version regularly and it’s fine but it could’ve been such a smash in her discography given the right feature. Now imagine if she chose amother artist originally? Bruno, Frank Ocean, Kendrick (she was close with him 2012) or even Britney or Beyonce (finish off that Paparazzi/Telephone/??? trilogy). Oh well.

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1. “I’ll LAY DOWN FACE UP THIS TIME, UNDER YOU LIKE A G.U.Y.!!!”:stupidoreo:

2. “Write what u want say whatchuwant bout me”:lolly:

3. “I’m Latin American I donts speak German but I try!”:volantis:

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